Mae enw Crist i bawb o'i saint
Mae enw Crist i bawb o'r saint
Mae enw'r Oen i bawb o'r saint

(Enaint tywalltedig)
Mae enw Crist i bawb o'i saint
  Fel ennaint tywalltedig,
Ac yn adfywiol iawn ei rin
  I'r enaid blin, lluddedig.

Pan fyddo f'enaid yn y llwch,
  A th'wyllwch fel y fagddu,
Mae dawn a nerth i'm dwyn yn ôl
  Yn enw grasol Iesu.

Gobeithiaf yn ei enw mawr,
  Yn nghanol dirfawr dd'ryswch;
Can's ynddo ef y cāf fy nerth,
  Sy ddinerth, a dyddanwch.

Gobeithiwch ynddo, bawb o'r saint,
  Er cymaint yw eich gofid,
Gan wybod bod eich Priod gwiw
  Yn ffyddlon i'w addewid.
Mae enw Crist :: Mae enw'r Oen
bawb o'i saint :: bawb o'r saint

James Hughes (Iago Trichrug) 1779-1844

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Abergwili (David Lewis 1828-1908)
Allmaen (Corāl Almaenig)
Bryn Meini (T Hopkin Evans 1879-1940)
Castell y Paun (<1835)
Dominus Regit Me (J B Dykes 1823-76)
Dortmund (Hamburg Choral Book)
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffries 1718-98)
Dyfroedd Siloah (John Williams 1740-1821)
Eisenach (J H Schein 1586-1630)
Morganwg (hen alaw)
Persia (alaw henafol)
Ruthyn (R M Williams)
Saboth (John Williams 1740-1821)

(Ointment poured out)
The name of Christ is to all of his saints
  Like ointment poured out,
And very enlivening its virtue
  To the weary, exhausted soul.

When my soul is in the dust,
  And darknes like the extreme gloom,
There is talent and strength to lead me back
  In the gracious name of Jesus.

I will hope in his great name,
  In the midst of enormous bewilderment;
Since in him I may get my strength,
  Who am strengthless, and comfort.

Hope ye in him, all of the saints,
  Although your affliction is so great,
Knowing that your worthy Spouse is
  Faithful to his promise.
The name of Christ is :: The name of the Lamb is
all of his saints :: all of the saints

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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