Mae enw Iesu mawr yn Stôr

(Yr Iesu)
Mae enw Iesu mawr yn 'stor
  Sy'n llawn o drysor drud;
Ac ni thalasai gras oedd lai
  I dynu beiau'r byd;
Mae parch yn llanw 'r nef, yn un,
  I enw'r Iesu mawr,
Mae'r holl angylion glan yn llu
  'N ymgrymu iddo'n awr.

Gwaredwr yn y preseb tlawd,
  Ac yn y gwawd i gyd;
Gwaredwr ar y groes oedd Ef,
  Yn dyoddef dwyfol lid:
Er llwyr waredu torf ddiri,
  Ar Galfari, fe ro'dd
Anfeidrol Iawn,
    nes gwneuthur byth
  Gyfiawnder wrth ei fodd.

Oddiwrth y bai gwaredu mae,
  Oddiwrth y wae ynghyd;
Oddiwrth elynion oll, a'u gwg,
  A'r drwg sydd yn y byd:
Trwy holl garcharau Edom gaeth
  I'r lan y daeth fel Duw!
Ac am y goncwest
    fawr bydd son -
  Gwaredwr Seion yw.

Tôn [MCD 8686D]: Northumberland (Henry Smart 1812-79)

The name of great Jesus is a store
  Which is full of costly treasure;
And grace would not pay any less
  To take away the sin of the world;
Reverence is flooding heaven, as one,
  To the name of great Jesus,
All the holy angels as a host are
  Bowing to him now.

A Deliverer in the poor manger,
  And in all the scorn;
A Deliverer on the cross was He,
  Suffering divine wrath:
Completely to deliver an innumerable throng,
  On Calvary, he gave
An immeasurable Satisfaction,
    thus making forever
  Righteousness gladly.

From the fault he is delivering,
  From the woe altogether;
From all enemies, and their frown,
  And the evil that is in the world:
Through all the captive prisons of Edom
  Up he came as God!
And about the great
    conquest there will be mention -
  The Deliver of Zion he is.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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