Mae f'an(n)ghrediniaeth cas

(Profiad tanllyd Anghrediniaeth / Dyhead)
Mae f'anghrediniaeth cas
  Yn amheu gras fy Nuw,
Nes gorfod gwaeddi "Beth a wnaf?"
  Mae'n d'weyd na byddaf byw;
Fod fy meiau mawr
  I gyd i lawr ar gael;
Ac na fwriadodd Duw ei hun
  Fyth godi'r fath un gwael.

Euogrwydd mawr ei rym,
  Â'i gleddyf llym sy'n lladd,
Heb ddim i esmwythau fy mron,
  Drwy'r ddaear gron, un gradd;
O! na chawn godi 'mhen
  Goruwch y llen a'r llawr,
Nes gwel'd y ffynnon sy'n glanhau,
  Yng nghlwyfau'r Meichiau mawr.

Er ini grwydro'n hir
  Yn mhell o dir ein gwlad,
Mae etto alwad ar ein hol
  I dŷ ein nefol Dad:
O! brysiwn bawb mewn pryd,
  Am fywyd ato 'fe,
Mae gwledd yn barod ger ein bron,
  Ac i dylodion le.
Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) 1766-1850
Gardd Eifion 1810

[Mesur: MBD 6686D]

gwelir: Er i ni grwydro'n hir

(The fiery Trial of Unbelief / Longing)
Detestable unbelief is
  Doubting the grace of my God,
Until necessitating to shout "What shall I do?"
  It is saying that I shall not live;
That my great faults are
  All for getting down;
And that God himself did not intend
  Ever to raise such a base one.

Guilt of a great force,
  With its sharp sword which is slaying,
Without anything to ease my breast,
  Throughout the round earth, one degree;
Oh that I would get to raise my head
  Above the curtain and the ground,
Until seeing the fount which is cleansing,
  In the wounds of the great Surety.

Despite our long wandering
  Far from the land of our country,
There is still a call on us back
  To the house of our heavenly Father:
Oh, let us all hurry in time,
  For life to him,
There is a feast ready before him,
  And for the poor a place.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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