Mae f'Anwylyd oll yn hawddgar

(Oll yn hawddgar)
Mae f'Anwylyd oll yn hawddgar,
    Pwy fel Efe!
Nid oes yn y nef na'r ddaear,
    Neb fel Efe!
Gwyn a gwridog yw ei ruddiau,
Melus odiaeth yw ei enau,
Balm a bywyd yw ei eiriau,
    Pwy fel Efe!

Megys pren afalau hyfryd -
    'Mysg prenau'r coed,
Y rhagora fy Anwylyd -
    Ar bawb erioed;
Cysgod rhag y gwres sydd tano,
Ffrwythau per a dyfant arno,
Ni chaed yn gyffelyb iddo -
    Neb, neb erioed.

Yn ei angeu Ef mae bywyd -
    Byth i barhau,
Ac o'i ing
      y tardda'n gwynfyd,
    Byth i barhau;
Trodd ei chwys a'i ddagrau heilltion,
Ac och'neidiau trist ei galon,
Yn destynau cân i Sion,
    Byth i barhau.
William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83

Tôn [8484.8884]: Wynnstay (J A Lloyd 1815-1874)

(All beautiful)
My beloved is all beautiful,
    Who like He!
There is none in heaven or earth,
    None like He!
White and ruddy are his cheeks,
Exceptionally sweet is his mouth,
Balm and life are his words,
    Who like He!

Like a delightful apple tree -
    Amongst the trees of the wood,
My Beloved excels -
    All others ever;
A shelter from the heat is beneath him,
Sweet fruits grown upon him,
Nor is found his like -
    None, none ever.

In His death there is life -
    Forever to endure,
And from his anguish
      springs our blessedness,
    Forever to endure;
His sweet and his salty tears,
And the sad groans of his heart,
Turned into the theme of Zion's song,
    Forever to endure.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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