Mae f'ymdaith dros fryniau

Mae f'ymdaith dros fryniau
    i'r gwledydd tu draw,
Mae'n dianc o'm golwg
     bob ardal gerllaw;
  'Rwy'n gweld trwy addewid
       lawn sicr a drud
  Y tiroedd bwrcaswyd
       cyn seiliad y byd. 

Os melys oedd dechrau,
    mwy melys yr hedd
Po nesaf cyrhaeddom
    i ardal y bedd;
  Mae angau, mae pechod,
      o'u bron yn gwanhau,
  I diroedd y bywyd
      a ni'n agosau.

Mae enw f'Anwylyd
    mor annwyl, mor fawr,
Hyfrydwch y nefoedd,
    hyfrydwch y llawr;
  Ni dderfydd ei garu,
      ni dderfydd ei glod,
  Pan na byddo seren
      yn uchder y rhod.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn []: Caernarfon (alaw eglwysig)

My journey is over the hills
    to the land beyond,
Escaping from my view is
    every region at hand;
  I am seeing through a promise
      fully sure and precious
  The lands which were purposed
      before the foundation of the world.

If sweet was the beginning,
    more sweet the peace
The closer we get
    to the region of the grave;
  Death is, sin is,
      completely weakening,
  As to the lands of the life
      we draw near.

The name of my Beloved is
    so dear, so great,
The delightfulness of heaven,
    the delightfulness of the earth;
  His love shall not end,
      his praise shall not end,
  When there be no star
      in the height of the sky.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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