Mae ffaeleddau fy mywyd yn llawer

The mistakes of my life have been many

("Wele, rhoddais ger dy fron ddrws agored.")
Mae ffaeleddau fy mywyd yn llawer,
  Pechodau fy nghalon yn fwy;
Ond at Dduw yn dlawd ac euog,
  Myfi a af fel yr wy'.

    'Rwy'n gwybod fy mod yn euog,
      Ond eto af fel yr wy',
    Mae'r Iesu yn cynyg
        maddeuant yn rhad
      Yn haeddiant ei farwol glwy'.

'Rwyf y gwaelaf sy'n plygu mewn gweddi,
  Y gwanaf sy'n codi ei lef:
Ond yr hyn sydd gysur imi
  Croesawir pawb ganddo Ef.

Ei dosturi, mor barod i faddeu,
  A'i ras mor ddiderfyn yw;
Gall y gwan a'r euog deimlo
  Yn ddiogel yn ymyl Duw.

Er mor aml yw ffaeleddau fy mywyd,
  Er dued pechodau f'oes,
Af at Iesu, gan orphwyso
  Ar haeddiant ei farwol loes.
cyf. Watkin Hezekiah Williams (Watcyn Wyn) 1844-1905

Tôn: Ffaeleddau fy Mywyd / The Mistakes of my Life
    (Robert Lowry 1826-99)

("Behold, I set before thee an open door.")
The mistakes of my life are many,
  The sins of my heart more;
But to God, poor and guilty
  I will go, as I am.

    I know that I am guilty,
      And yet I will go as I am,
    Jesus is offering
        forgiveness freely
    In the merit of his mortal wound.

I am the worst who is bowing in prayer,
  The weakest who is raising his cry:
But what is a comfort to me is that
  Everyone is to be welcomed by Him.

His mercy, so ready to forgive,
  And his grace is so endless;
The weak and the guilty can feel
  Safe in the side of God.

Although so frequent the mistakes of my life,
  Although so black the sins of my lifetime,
I will go to Jesus, resting
  On the merit of his mortal anguish.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
("Behold, I set before thee an open door.")
The mistakes of my life have been many,
  The sins of my heart have been more,
And I scarce can see for weeping,
  But I'll knock at the open door.

    I know I am weak and sinful,
      It comes to me more and more;
    But when the dear Saviour
        shall bid me come in,
      I'll enter the open door.

I am lowest of those who love Him,
  I am weakest of those who pray;
But I come as He has bidden,
  And He will not say me nay.

My mistakes His free grace will cover,
  My sins He will wash away,
And the feet that can shrink and falter
  Shall walk thro' the gates of day.

The mistakes of my life have been many,
  And my spirit is sick with sin,
And I scarce can see for weeping,
  But the Saviour will let me in.
1871 Urania L S Bailey 1820-82

Tune: The Mistakes of my Life (Robert Lowry 1826-99)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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