Mae ffynnon loyw lawn

(Ffynnon i buro)
  Mae ffynnon loyw lawn
  Yn ffrydio ' ddwyfol ddawn
Yn awr i ni;
    ein golchi ynddi gawn: 
  Mae yn y nef ryw dorf yn awr
  A ganwyd ynddi fel y wawr,
A miloedd yn cael trwyddi
    eu lloni ar y llawr. 

  Fy unig noddfa i,
  A'r cysur imi sy
I'm gwir iachâu,
    yw clwyfau Iesu cu:
  Caf yno lechu'n dawel lân,
  Rhoi iddo glod a melus gân,
Pan syrthio'r ser yn gawod,
    a dyfod dylif tân.

  Hwn ydyw'r un a ddaeth,
  I fynu o Edom gaeth,
O Bosra dir,
    gorchfygu'n wir a wnaeth;
  Efe fu farw ar y pren,
  Palmantodd ffordd i'r nefoedd wen
Yr hwn fu'n diodde dirmyg,
    rhown goron ar ei ben.
Diferion y Cyssegr 1804

Tôn [6646.8876]: Soar (Samuel Evans)

gwelir: O dan d'adenydd Di

(A Fount to purify)
  There is a bright, full fount
  Flowing from a divine gift
Now to us;
    wash ourself in it we may:
  In heaven there is some throng now
  Who were bleached in it like the dawn,
And thousands getting through it
    cheered on the earth.

  My only refuge,
  And the comfort for me is
For my true healing,
    in the wounds of dear Jesus:
I shall get to lurk completely quietly,
Give to him praise with a sweet song,
When the stars fall as a shower,
    and a deluge of fire comes.

  He is the one who came,
  Up from captive Edom,
From the land of Bozra,
    overcome truly he did;
  He who died on the tree,
  Paved a way to the bright heavens
He who suffered derision,
    let us put a crown on his head.
tr. 2017,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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