Mae fy Nuw yn fy ngheryddu

(Taith y Pererin)
Mae fy Nuw yn fy ngheryddu,
  Ond fy ngharu y mae ef,
Ergyd ddoe, ac ergyd heddyw,
  I fy nghofio am y nef;
Nid oes awr o boen a dolur,
  Nid oes mynyd fach nad yw,
Fel ffynnonau'n tarddu allan,
  O drag'wyddol hedd fy Nuw.

Rhaid cael rhyw beth i fy nghofio,
  Onidê mi winga o hyd,
Mi gofleidia ddelw yn union,
  Pleser cnawd, neu bleser byd;
Rhaid fy nghosbi â chystuddiau,
  Onidê mi gysga hûn,
Ac mi hepia' mewn esmwythder,
  Pan fo angeu wrth fy nglun.

Ffarwel deiau, ffarwel diroedd,
  A'r eilunod pena' 'rioed;
Mi'ch tyngheda 'ngwydd y nefoedd,
  Na ddilynoch ôl fy nhroed;
Myn'd rwy'n llwm
    tua thir y bywyd,
  Ffon yn unig yn fy llaw,
Mi a mlaen dros yr Iorddonen,
  Mae 'nghyfeillion anwyl draw.

Mi gaf yfed yno gariad,
  Ffrwyth gwinwydden
      nef y nef,
Yr un cariad nefol hyfryd,
  Ag oedd yn ei gwpan ef,
Cariad wna fyrdd o fyrddiynau,
  Mewn rhyw gwlwm cryf yn un,
Ac â mlaen i drag'wyddoldeb,
  Yn ei Ysbryd ef ei hun.
tua thir :: i dir
- - - - -

(Buddugoiaeth cystuddiau)

Mae fy Nuw yn fy ngheryddu,
  Ond fy ngharu y mae Ef,
Ergyd ddoe, ac ergyd heddyw,
  Sydd i'm cofio am y nef:
Nid oes awr of boen a dolur,
  Nid oes munyd fach nad yw
Fel ffynhonau'n tarddu allan
  O dragwyddol hedd fy Nuw.

Eto, nidyw fy ergydion
  Ond ergydion ysgafn iawn,
Ac awelon pur o gariad
  Sydd yn gymmysg â hwy'n llawn:
Cariad, heddwch pur, a cherydd,
  A gydblethwyd mewn un wê;
Rhaff dair cainc yw sy'n fy nhỳnu
  'Maes o'r ddaear tua'r ne'.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787D]:
    Carmel (F Mendelssohn 1809-47)
    Llan Gan (alaw Gymreig)
    Port Penrhyn (J H Roberts 1848-1924)
    Tyddewi87 (<1876)

    Mae dy lwybrau cul yn hyfryd

(The Pilgrim's Journey)
My God is chastising me,
  But loving me is he,
A stroke yesterday, and a stroke today,
  To remind me of heaven;
There is no hour of pain and sorrow,
  There is no small minute, that is not
Like springs issuing forth,
  From the eternal peace of my God.

I need to get something to remind me,
  Lest I continue to flinch,
I will embrace an image directly,
  Pleasure of flesh, or pleasure of world;
I need punishing and afflictions,
  Lest I sleep a slumber,
And I doze in ease,
  Whenever death be at my thigh.

Farewell houses, farewell lands,
  And the chief idols ever;
I adjure you in the face of heaven,
  Do not follow my footprints;
I am going naked
    towards the land of the living,
  A staff alone in my hand,
I am going forwards across the Jordan,
  My dear friends are over there.

There I will get to drink love,
  The fruit of the vines
      of the heaven of heaven,
The same delightful, heavenly love,
  As was in his cup,
Love will make a myriad of myriads,
  In some strong knot, into one,
And I will go forward to an eternity,
  In his own Spirit.
towards the land :: to the land
- - - - -

(The victory of afflictions)

My God is chastising me,
  But loving me is He,
A stroke yesterday, and a stroke today,
  Are reminding me of heaven;
There is no hour of pain and sorrow,
  There is no small minute, that is not
Like springs issuing forth,
  From the eternal peace of my God.

Still, my strokes are nothing
  But very light strokes,
And pure breezes of love
  Are mixing fully with them:
Love, pure peace, and chastisement,
  Woven in one web;
A three-ply rope it is which pulls me
  Out of the earth the earth towards heaven.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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