Mae genyt ti foddion i faddeu

(Gallu Crist i achub)
Mae genyt ti foddion i faddeu,
  Er bod fy mechodau mor chwith,
Ac hefyd a'u rhif mor llļosog
  A'r borfa fo'n wlybog gan wlith;
Ti elli ddweyd wrthyf ryw ddiwrnod,
  Maddeuwyd dy bechod bob un,
A'm symmud i ganol gogoniant,
  Yn lān trwy dy haeddiant dy hun.

Ti wnaethost y Gyfraith yn ddiddig,
  Er dwyn y colledig o'i llaw,
Ac felly Cyfiawnder yn dawel
  I'n hachyb heb ryfel na braw;
A'r Tad bendigedig yn foddlon,
  I weled plant dynion yn dod
Yn lluoedd i'r nefoedd, fawr nifer,
  I ganfod eglurder dy glod.

Y ddedf āg un aberth gwynebaist,
      attelaist y tān,
A thwrf ei tharanau gostegaist,
  A'i melldith
      dilėaist yn lān;
Cawn ganddi ddeheulaw cymdeithas,
  I fyned i deyrnas dy Dad,
Ond i ni gael
    gwisgo'th gyfiawnder,
  Cawn weled
      holl lawnder y wlad.
Cofiant Edward Jones 1839

[Mesur: 9898D]

(The power of Christ to save)
Thou hast the means to forgive,
  Despite my sins so awkward,
And also with their number so manifold
  And the pasture being drenched with dew;
Thou canst say to me some day,
  Forgiven were thy sins every one,
And move me to the centre of glory,
  Clean through thy own merit.

Thou madest the Law content,
  Despite taking the lost from its hand,
And likewise Righteousness quiet
  To save us without war or terror;
And the blessed Father satisfied,
  To see the children of men coming
In hosts to heaven, a great number,
  To extol the clarity of thy praise.

The law with one sacrifice thou didst face,
  Thou didst suffer,
      thou didst stop the fire,
And the din of its thunder thou didst calm,
  And its condemnation
      thou didst remove wholly;
We get by it the right hand of fellowship,
  To go to the kingdom of thy Father,
But for us to get
    to wear thy righteousness,
  We will get to see
      all the fullness of the land.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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