Mae gogoniant a hawddgarwch

(Brydferthwch Duw)
Mae gogoniant a hawddgarwch,
  Arglwydd, yn dy Hanfod di;
Uwchlaw'r cwbl a ddatguddiwyd,
  Nac am byth ddych'mygwn ni;
Ni pherthyna i dy natur,
  Ddechreu na diweddiad chwaith,
Digyfnewid hefyd fyddi
  Oesau trag'wyddoldeb maith.

Ennill sylw teulu'r ddaear
  At dy degwch, O fy Nuw;
Llywydd pawb, yn Dduw tosturiol,
  O'r fath olwg hyfryd yw!
Mae'n Duw ni yn Hollalluog,
  Pur mewn natur, ac mewn gwaith;
Parod yw, er hyn, i faddeu,
  Moler ef yn
      mhob rhyw iaith.
Evan Griffiths (Ieuan Ebblig) 1795-1873
Casgliad E Griffiths 1855

[Mesur: 8787D]

(The Beauty of God)
There is glory and loveliness,
  Lord, in thy Being;
Above all that was revealed,
  Or we will ever imagine;
Thy nature has no
  Beginning or end either,
Unchangeable also thou shalt be
  For the ages of vast eternity.

Win the notice of the family of the earth
  To thy fairness, O my God;
The Leader of all, as merciful God,
  Is of such a lovely appearance!
Our God is Almighty,
  Pure in nature, and in work;
Ready he is, despite this, to forgive,
  He is to be praised in
      every kind of language.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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