Mae gweddi'r ffydd fel allwedd gref

(Gweddi'r Ffydd)
Mae gweddi'r ffydd, fel allwedd gref,
Yn agor holl drysordai'r nef;
  A chenad at yr orsedd yw,
  I gyrchu i'r saint
      gyflawnder Duw.

Mae Duw yn effro i'n heisieu ni,
Fe glyw'r ochenaid
    wana' 'i chri;
  Cyn galw o honynt, meddai Ef,
  Mi a wrandawaf ar eu llef.
James Spinther James (Spinther) 1837-1914

Tonau [MH 8888]:
    Angelus (Johann Scheffler 1624-77)
    Eden (L Mason / T B Mason)
    Winchester (B Crasselius 1650-90)
    Yr Hen Ganfed (Sallwyr Genefa 1551)

(The Prayer of Faith)
The prayer of faith is, like a strong key,
Opening all the treasure-houses of heaven;
  And a messenger to his throne it is,
  To fetch for the saints
      the fulness of God.

God is awake to our wants,
He will hear the groan of one
    who has the weekest cry;
  Before a call from them, He said,
  I will listen to their cry.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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