Mae haeddiant mawr rhinweddol waed fy Nuw

1,2,(3,(4,5,6))   1,2,4,3,5.
(Prynedigaeth trwy waed Crist)
Mae haeddiant mawr
    rhinweddol waed fy Nuw
Yn llawer mwy
    na'r pechod gwaetha'i ryw:
  Ceir maddeu myrdd
      o'r beiau mwyaf gaed,
  A'r euog brwnt
      a gènir yn y gwaed.

O'm pen i'm traed,
    annhraethol aflan wyf;
Nid oes lanhâd
    ond yn ei farwol glwyf;
  Y ffynnon hon agorwyd ar y bryn,
  Er dued wyf,
      a'm gylch yn hyfryd wỳn.

Efe yw'r Iawn dros ein pechodau ni;
Ei ddryllio wnaed ar fynydd Calfari:
  Ein dyled fawr a dalwyd yno'n llawn,
  A'r llyfrau oll
      a groeswyd un prydnawn.

Wrth daro'r graig,
    daeth allan ddyfroedd pur,
Ein dilyn mae trwy'r
    dyrys anial dir;
  Cawn lawenhau wrth yfed dyfroedd byw,
  A'n golchi'n lân,
      a'n dwyn i gwmni Duw.

Mi ganaf byth
    am haeddiant dwyfol waed;
Fy mhrynu wnaeth, a'm gosod ar fy nhraed:
  Boddloni'r Tad
      a'r gyfraith yn fy lle,
  Ac ennill hawl im byth
      yn nheyrnas ne'.

Och'neidiau'r groes a roes ryddhad i ni;
Mae'm cymmhorth llawn yn gyflawn
    Un yn Dri;
  Duw dîg sy'n Dad
      i bechaduriaid trist,
  A'r cymmod rhad
      trwy haeddiant Iesu Grist.
llyfrau :: biliau
Mi ganaf :: Ni ganwn

John Elias 1774-1841

Tonau []:
Clod (alaw Gymreig)
Navarre (Sallwyr Genefa 1551)
Pax Dei (J B Dykes 1823-76)
Penitentia (E Dearle 1806-91)
Warsaw (<1835)

gwelir: O'm pen i'm traed annhraethol aflan wyf

(Redemption through the blood of Christ)
The great merit
    of the wonderful blood of my God
Is much greater
    than the sin of the worst kind:
  To be got is forgiveness of a myriad
      of the greatest sins there are,
  And the dirty, guilty one
      is to be bleached in the blood.

From my head to my feet,
    inexpressibly unclean I am;
There is no cleansing
    but in his mortal wound;
  This fount was opened on the hill,
  Despite how black I am,
      shall wash me delightfully white.

He is the Satisfaction for our sins;
Break him it did on the mount of Calvary:
  Our great debt was paid there in full,
  And all the books
      were crossed one afternoon.

On striking the rock,
    pure waters came out,
Leading us it is
    through the troublesome desert land;
  We may rejoice on drinking living waters,
  Which wash us clean,
      and bring us to God's company.

I will sing forever
    of the merit of divine blood;
Redeem me it did, and set me on my feet:
  Satisfying the Father
      and the law in my place,
  And won the right for me forever
      in the kingdom of God.

Groans of the cross have given me freedom;
My full support is completely
    One in Three;
  The God of wrath is a Father
      to the sad sinners,
  And the free covenant
      through the merit of of Jesus Christ.
books :: bills
I will sing :: We will sing

tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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