Mae hyfryd lais Efengyl hedd

(Cofio'r gwan)
Mae hyfryd lais
    Efengyl hedd
  Yn galw ar bob oes,
I ymgeleddu'r gwael eu gwedd,
  Ac esmwythau eu loes.

Y mae trueiniaid ar bob llaw
  Yn gorwedd yn eu gwaed;
Pa le mae'r cymwynaswr ddaw
  I'w codi ar eu traed?

Oddeutu'r ffordd i ddinas Duw
  Mae clwyfedigion lu;
A rhwymo eu doluriau yw
  Ein braint,
      a'u dwyn i'w dŷ.

Bu'r Iesu farw dros y tlawd
  A thros yr aflan rai;
O! na ddos heibio i dy frawd -
  Mae'n ddyn er
      maint ei fai.

Y rhai sydd ar eu ffordd i'r nef
  Yn cymwynaswyr byd;
Aed pawb â rhywun gydag ef
  I mewn i'r cartref clyd.
W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938

Tonau [MC 8686]:
    Abridge (Isaac Smith 1734-1805)
    America (<1845)
    Bryngwili (Joan Osborne Thomas 1927-85)

(Remembering the weak)
The delightful voice of
    the Gospel of peace is
  Calling on every age,
To help the worst in condition
  And relieve their anguish.

There are wretches on every hand
  Lying in their blood;
Where will the benefactor come
  To raise them onto their feet?

About the road to God's city
  Is a host of the wounded;
And to bandage their sores is
  Our privilege,
      and lead them to his house.

Jesus died for the poor
  And for the unclean;
O do not pass by thy brother -
  He is a man despite
      the extent of his fault.

Some are on their way to heaven
  As benefactors of the world;
May everyone go with someone with him
  Into the cosy home.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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