Mae'r Iesu Grist yn derbyn

Mae Iesu Grist yn derbyn
  Plant bychain fel nyni;
Ein caru wnaeth yn foreu
  Cyn taenu'r nefoedd fry;
Fe'n carodd fel y rhoddodd
  Ei fywyd ar y groes;
Fe garwn ninnau'r Iesu
  Tra pery dyddiau'n hoes.

    Mae'r Iesu yn derbyn,
    Mae'r Iesu yn derbyn plant,
    Mae'r Iesu yn derbyn,
    Mae'r Iesu yn derbyn plant.

Mae Iesu Grist yn derbyn
  Plant bychain fel nyni;
Â'i hyfryd lais mae'n galw
  Plant bychain ato'n lu:
O Iesu, wnei Di'n derbyn
  Bob un i'th fynwes glyd?
Dyogel fyddwn yno,
  Pan ffy mynyddau'r byd.

Mae Iesu Grist yn derbyn
  Plant bychain fel nyni,
A'n dysgu wna i rodio
  Y ffordd i Salem fry;
Eisteddwn ninnau'n ufudd
  Wrth draed yr Athaw Da, -
Yn ddoeth i'r iachawdwriaeth
  Ei holl ddisbybion wna.

Mae Iesu Grist yn derbyn
  Plant bychain fel nyni;
A'n harwain wna yn ddyogel,
  Er llid gelynion lu;
Arweinydd anffaeledig,
  A ffyddlon yw Efe;
Tywysa bawb a gredant,
  I heirdd drigfannau'r ne'.
David Lewis (Dewi Medi) 1844-1917

Tôn [7676+7878]: Mae'r Iesu'n derbyn plant
    (C Meudwy Davies 1854-1916)

Jesus Christ is receiving
  Small children like us;
Love us he did early
  Before stretching out the heavens above;
He loved us as he gave
  His life on the cross;
We too will love Jesus
  While the days of our lifespan continue.

    Jesus is receiving,
    Jesus is receiving children,
    Jesus is receiving,
    Jesus is receiving children.

Jesus Christ is receiving
  Small children like us;
With his lovely voice he is calling
  Small children to him as a host:
O Jesus, wilt Thou receive
  Every one to thy secure bosom?
Safe I would be there,
  When the mountains of the world flee.

Jesus Christ is receiving
  Small children like us,
And teach us he will to walk
  The road to Salem above;
Let us too sit obediently
  At the feet of the Good Teacher, -
Wise to the salvation
  Of all his disciples he will make.

Jesus Christ is receiving
  Small children like us;
And lead us he will do safely,
  Despite the wrath of an enemy host;
A Leader unfailing,
  And faithful is He;
He will lead all who believe,
  To the beautiful dwellings of heaven.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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