Mae Iesu'n Berson union oll

(Ei degwch Ef)
Mae Iesu'n Berson union oll
  Pur, hawddgar, digoll, da;
A byth ni chyfnewidia'i wedd,
  Mor rhyfedd fe barha.

Mae ef yn Dduw mawr, byw, mewn bod
  Yn Undod Trindod draw,
Er tragwyddoldeb, cyn bod neb,
  I dragwyddoldeb ddaw.

Efe yw Ffynnon fawr pob dawn,
  Gwraidd holl ogoniant dyn;
A rhyw drysorau fel y môr
  Sydd ynddo ef ei hun.

'Rwy'n chwennych gwel'd ei degwch ef,
  S'uwch popeth is y rhod,
Nas gwelodd lluoedd nefoedd bur
  Gyffelyb iddo 'rioed.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [MC 8686]: St Peter (A R Reinagle 1799-1877)

gwelir: 'Rwy'n chwennych gweld ei degwch Ef

(His comeliness)
Jesus is a wholly upright person,
  Pure, beautiful, unfailing, good;
Who will never change his aspect,
  So wonderful he will endure.

He is great, living God, in being
  In the Unity of yonder Trinity,
Since eternity, before anything was,
  To yonder eternity.

He is the great Fount of every gift,
  The root of all man's glory;
And some treasures like the sea
  Are hidden in Himself.

I am yearning to see his comeliness,
  Which is above everything under the sky,
The hosts of pure heaven have not seen
  His like ever.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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