Mae llais efengyl fwyn (Yn galw arnaf fi)

(Llais yr Efengyl)
Mae llais efengyl fwyn
  Yn galw arnaf fi,
I lechu rhag y storom fawr
  Yn nghysgod Calfarî.

'R wy'n haeddu gwg y nef,
  Ond hedd gyhoedda hi:
Bu'r Iesu farw dros fy mai
  Ar groesbren Calfarî.

'R wy'n dod yn sŵn y llais -
  Hyfrytaf lais y nef,
I fynydd Duw, at wleddoedd rhad
  Ei ras a'i gariad Ef.
John Cadvan Davies (Cadfan) 1846-1923

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Gwahoddiad (Lewis Hartsough 1828-1919)
Garnlwyd (R Arthur Evans 1900-18)

(The voice of the Gospel)
The gentle gospel voice
  Is calling upon me,
To take cover from the great storm
  In the shelter of Calvary.

I am deserving of heaven's frown,
  But peace is what it announces:
Jesus died for my guilt
  On the wooden cross of Calvary.

I am coming at the sound of thy voice -
  The most pleasant voice of heaven,
To the mountain of God, to free bounties
  Of his grace and His own love.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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