Mae llais y durtur eto

("Amser i'r adar ganu")
Mae llais y durtur eto
  Yn felus yn y wlad:
O! Dduw, yr wyt yn cofio,
  Dy etifeddiaeth fad!
Daeth amser pêr yr adar
  I ganu yn y coed;
A mil mwy mwyn
    yw trydar
  Dy wanwyn nag erioed.

Fe aeth y gaeaf heibio,
  A chiliodd trymder gwlaw;
O! Dduw yr wyt yn cofio
  Dy dir â'th dyner law:
Mae blodau ar y ddaear,
  Mae bywyd yn y coed;
A mil mwy mwyn
    yw trydar
  Dy wanwyn nag erioed.

Rho ar dy etifeddiaeth,
  Fel yn y dyddiau gynt,
Gawodydd bendith helaeth
  Ar flaen y deau wynt;
Ymwêl â'r anial diroedd -
  Gweddnewid hwynt i gyd;
A gad i flodau'r nefoedd
  Ddwyn Eden dros y byd.
Yn felus yn :: I'w glywed yn
mwy mwyn :: mwynach

John Jenkins (Gwili) 1872-1936

Tonau [7676D]:
Endsleigh (S Salvatori 1817-74)
  Llanwenarth (John Hughes)
Tal-y-Llyn (alaw Gymreig)

("Time for the birds to sing")
The voice of the turtle dove is again
  Sweet in the land:
O God, thou art remembering
  Thy virtuous heritage!
The sweet time came for the birds
  To sing in the wood;
And a thousand times more
    enjoyable is the twitter
  Of Thy spring than ever.

The winter has passed,
  And the heaviness of rain retreated;
O God, thou art remembering
  Thy land with thy gentle hand:
There are flowers on the earth,
  There is life in the wood;
And a thousand times more
    enjoyable is the twitter
  Of Thy spring than ever.

Impart to thy heritage
  As in the former days,
Widespread showers of blessing
  Before the south wind;
Visit the desert lands -
  Transform them all;
And let the flowers of heaven
  Bring Eden across the world.
sweet in :: heard in

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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