Mae llais y gwyliwr oddi draw

(Dyddiau Gwell)
Mae llais y gwyliwr oddi draw
Yn dweud bod bore llon gerllaw:
  Cymylau'r nos sy'n
      cilio 'mhell
  O flaen goleuni dyddiau gwell,
A daw teyrnasoedd
    daear lawr 
I gyd yn eiddo'n Harglwydd mawr. 

Y dwyrain a'r gorllewin sydd 
O'u rhwymau blin yn dod yn rhydd,
  Ac unir de
      a gogledd mwy 
  Drwy ryfedd rinwedd
      marwol glwy';
Mor hyfryd gweled toriad gwawr
Hardd ddyddiau'r nefoedd ar y llawr.

Pob awel draetho gyda swyn
Am eni'r Iesu, Geidwad mwyn;
  Cenhadon fyddo tonnau'r lli
  I daenu hanes Calfarî;
Pob iaith fo'n un mewn anthem gref
Yn fôr o foliant iddo ef.
Hugh Cernyw Williams (Cernyw) 1843-1937

Tonau [88.88.88]:
    Melita (J B Dykes 1823-76)
    St Catherine (H F Hemy 1818-88)

(Better Days)
The voice of the watchman from afar
Tells that the cheerful morn is at hand:
  The clouds of night are
      retreating far away
  Before the light of better days,
And the kingdoms of the
    earth below will come
All to be the property of our great Lord.

The east and the west are
From their grievous bonds coming free,
  And being united south
      and north henceforth
  Through the wonderful virtue
      of a fatal wound;
How pleasant to see the break of dawn
Of the splendid days of heaven on the earth.

Every breeze expounds with charm
On the birth of Jesus, a gentle Saviour;
  Emissaries the floodtide's breakers become
  To spread the story of Calvary;
Every language be as one in a strong anthem
In the sea of praise unto him.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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