Mae moroedd o ddoethineb, Oes, ynot, f'Arglwydd mawr; Annoeth wf fi, ymbiliaf Am beth o hono i'lawr, I'm harwain trwy'r fath anial, Y nôs â cholofn dân, Ac onide nis gallaf Fi gerdded cam yn mlaen. Wyt Brophwyd mawr i arwain Dy Eglwys bur fel hyn, Trwy groesffyrdd hyll, a'i thywys I gopa Seion fryn; I drefnu manna nefol Yn lluniaeth i bob un, Yn ol ei amgylchiadau, A'i eisiau ef ei hun. O dysg fy enaid gwirion I deithio'r anial dir, Rhag myrdd o geimion lwybrau, I gadw ar y gwir; Doethineb i'm cyf'rwyddo Fel cafod fwyn o wlith, Er maint sy am fy rhwydo, Na chyfeiliornwyf byth. Tydi ydyw doethineb Y Tad cyn creu y byd, Ac ynot ymddysgleiria Ei holl berffeithiau ynghyd; Eneinniwyd o'r dechreuad I ddodi maes ei glod, Datguddio yr hyn sydd etto Heb ei ddatguddio erioed.William Williams 1717-91 [Mesur: 7676D] gwelir: Fy Iesu yw'r prophwyd goleu |
There are seas of wisdom, Yes, in thee, my great Lord; Unwise am I, I plead For something of it below, To lead me through such a desert, By night with a pillar of fire, Otherwise I cannot Walk a step forward. Thou art a great Prophet to guide Thy pure Church thus, Through horrible cross-ways, and lead her To the summit of Zion hill; To arrange heavenly manna As nourishment for every one, According to his circumstances, And his own needs. O teach my foolish soul To travel the desert land, From a myriad of false paths, To keep on the true; Wisdom to instruct me Like a gentle shower of dew, Despite how many want to ensnare me, I shall never stray. Thou art the wisdom Of the Father before the world was created, And in thee shine All his perfections together; Anointed from the beginning To set forth his praise, To disclose that which has yet Never been 2016 Richard B Gillion |