Mae myrdd o ryfeddodau

(Pwy fel Efe!)
Mae myrdd o ryfeddodau
  Yn cwrdd yn Iesu cu;
Ei wedd sydd yn difyru
  Holl luoedd nefoedd fry:
Bydd seintiau ac angylion,
  I oesoedd rif y gwlith,
Yn syllu ar ei Berson,
  Gan ei ryfeddu byth.

O f'enaid, gwel ogoniant
  Y Person dwyfol hwn;
Ymddiried iddo'th fywyd
  Mae'n ddigon iti, gwn:
Mae'n ddyn sy'n cydymdeimlo
  A'th holl wendidau mawr;
Mae'n Dduw sy'n maddeu beiau
  I waelaidd lwch y llawr.
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [7676D]: Nayland (<1876)

(Who like He!)
There is a myriad of wonders
  Meeting in dear Jesus;
His countenance is cheering
  All the hosts of heaven above:
The saints and the angels,
  From ages as numerous as the dew
Will be gazing on his Person,
  While wondering forever.

O my soul, see the glory
  Of that divine Person;
Trust to him thy life
  He is sufficient for thee, I know:
He is a man who is sympathizing
  With all thy great weaknesses;
He is a God who is forgiving faults
  For the poor dust of the ground.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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