Mae'n hyfryd meddwl ambell dro

1,2,(3,(4)),5,6;  1,2,(3),5;  1,2,3,6.
(Gorffwys yn y Nef)
Mae'n hyfryd meddwl ambell dro,
  Wrth deithio anial le,
Ar ôl ein holl flinderau dwys,
  Cawn orffwys yn y ne'.

Ar fin diffygio gan y daith
  A lludded maith y lle,
Mor hoff yw gwybod - wedi hyn
  Cawn orffwys yn y ne'.

'N ôl teimlo archoll llawer saeth
  A phrofedigaeth gref,
A dioddef gwres y dydd
    a'i bwys,
  Cawn orffwys yn y nef.

Mae'n cysur meddwl, pan fo'n dod
  Len dros ei ŵyddfod Ef,
Yn cynnal ei dragwyddol bwys,
  Cawn orffwys yn y nef.

Er colli ein cyfeillion hoff
  Yn lli Iorddonen gref,
Mae'n felys meddwl - eto 'nghyd
  Cawn gwrddyd yn y nef.

Cymhwyser ni drwy'r Ysbryd Glân
  A'i rasol ddoniau Ef,
Nes dyfod fel t'wysennau llawn,
  Yn aeddfed iawn i'r nef.
Ar fin :: Pan ar
dioddef gwres :: goddef gwres
Nes dyfod :: Nes delom

Evan Evans (Ieuan Glan Geirionydd) 1795-1855

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Abergele (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Arabia (W Cole)
Beatitudo (J B Dykes 1823-76)
Belmont (S Webbe 1769-1843)
Brynsiencyn (E T Davies 1878-1969)
Byzantium (Thomas Jackson 1715-81)
Cwmnêdd (hen alaw)
Dolwerdd (George A Thomas)
Engedi (L van Beethoven 1770-1827)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)
Rachel (W J Evans 1866-1947)
  Rich (<1884)
Turle (James Turle 1802-82)

gwelir: Y noswaith drom bradychwyd Crist

(Rest in Heaven)
It is lovely to think from time to time,
  While travelling a desert place,
After all our intense afflictions,
  We will get rest in heaven.

Almost exhausted by the journey
  And the great fatigue of the place,
How pleasing to know - after this
  We will get rest in heaven.

After feeling the gashes of many arrows
  And strong bereavement,
And suffering the heat of the day
    and its weight,
  We will get rest in heaven.

It is comforting to think, when comes
  A curtain across His countenance,
Withstanding his eternal importance,
  We will get rest in heaven.

Despite losing our cherished friends
  In the strong flood of Jordan,
It is sweet to think - again together
  We will get to meet in heaven.

Let us be fitted through the Holy Spirit
  And His gracious gifts,
Until coming like full ears of grain,
  To full ripeness in heaven.
Almost :: When about to be
suffering the heat :: enduring the heat
Until coming :: Until we come

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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