Mae 'ngobaith er yn wan
Mae'm gobaith er yn wan

(Gobaith am y Nef)
Mae 'ngobaith, er yn wan,
  Am ddod i'r lan ryw bryd,
At Iesu fry, i Seion fryn,
  A'm gwisg yn wyn i gyd;
I blith y dyrfa fawr
  Sy'n canu'n awr heb boen,
A'u gynau wedi'u cannu'n wyn
  Yng ngwaed yr addfwyn Oen.

[Mae 'ngobaith, er yn wan,
   Am ddod i'r lan ryw bryd,
 At Iesu fry i Seion fryn,
   A'm gwisg yn wỳn i gyd;
 I wel'd y teilwng Oen,
   A'i ganmol gyfa'r llu,
 Ar ben fy nhaith, heb friw na phoen,
   Yn yr ardaloedd fry.]

Er treulio yn y gwaith
  Ryw oesoedd maith ymlaen,
Nid oes dim blino
    yn eu plith -
  Melysach fyth yw'r gân;
Cân newydd fydd o hyd,
  Mewn bywyd pur, di-boen,
O fawl i Dduw am gariad rhad,
  A gwerthfawr waed yr Oen.
Mae 'ngobaith :: Mae'm gobaith
Am ddod :: Gael d'od
yn wỳn :: yn wen

Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Priodolwyd gynt i William Lewis -1786-

Tôn [MBD 6686D]:
    Amana (J H Roberts 1848-1924)
    Bohemia (<1876)
    Diademata (G J Elvey 1816-93)
    Foelallt (M O Jones 1842-1908)
    Giardini (F Giardini 1716-96)
    Kane (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

(Hope for Heaven)
My hope, although feeble, is
  To come up some time,
To Jesus above, to Zion hill,
  With my garments all white -
Amongst the great throng,
  Who are singing now without pain,
With their gowns bleached white
  In the blood of the dear Lamb.

[My hope, although feeble, is
   To come up some time,
 To Jesus above to Zion hill,
   With my garments all white;
 To see the worthy Lamb,
   And praise him with the throng,
 At the end of my journey, without bruise or pain,
   In the regions above.]

Despite toiling in the work
  Some vast ages before,
There is nothing that
    wearies in their midst -
  The sweetest ever is their song:
A new song it shall be always,
  In a pure, painless life,
Of praise to God for free love,
  And the precious blood of the Lamb.
To come :: To get to come

tr. 2009,14 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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