Mae oedfaon yn mynd heibio, Dyddiau wedi eu treulio i maes Heb ddim cyfri'n awr ohonynt Ond rhyw riddfan am dy ras: Rhaid i mi gael mwy na hynny - Dy gyfiawnder imi'n rhan, Onid e, yn wir mi drengaf Cyn y delwyf byth i'r lan. O gyfiawnder pur tragwyddol O gyfiawnder maith di-drai - Rhaid i'm henaid noeth newynllyd Gael yn fuan dy fwynhau: Rho dy wisg ddisgleirwen olau, Cudd fy noethni hyd y llawr, Fel nad ofnwyf mwy ymddangos Fyth o flaen dy orsedd fawr. Nid oes genyf ddim ond bratiau, Dail yw'm gwisgoedd goreu i gyd; Tân digofaint oll a'u difa, Llysg y sofl cras ynghyd; Gem a pherlau gwerthfawrocaf, Gwell nag eiddo'r India draw, Yw'th gyfla wnder i ymddangos O fy mhlaid y dydd a ddaw. Wrth yr orsedd na'd fi feddwl Am ddim haeddiant tra bwyf byw, Nac adduned, na dymuniad, Na dyledswydd o un rhyw; Iesu'n unig dan y fllangell, Iesu'n hongian ar y groes, Bydded i mi yn ddifyrwch O foreuddydd hyd y nos. Dyma'r fan, a thyma'r cysgod, Dyma'r trysor gwerthfawr, drud, Ddeil fy enaid yn y corwynt, Dyfroedd mawr anfeidrol lid: Dyma'n unig wyf yn geisio, Dyma geisiaf tra bwyf byw: Bwyta, yfed, fyth, a gwisgo, O gyfiawnder pur fy Nuw.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau: [8787D] gwelir: O Gyfiawnder pur tragwyddol |
Occasions are passing by, Days have been worn out Without any account now of them But some groaning for thy grace: I must get more than than - Thy righteousness as a portion for me, Otherwise, truly I shall perish Before I ever come up. O pure, eternal righteousness O vast, unebbing righteousness - My naked, starving soul must Get soon to enjoy thee: Give thy shining clothing of light, Cover my nakedness to the ground, That I no longer fear to appear Ever before thy great throne. I have nothing but rags, Leaves are all my best garments; The fire of wrath shall devour them all, Burn all the arid stubble; The most precious gem and pearls, Better than distant India possesses, Is thy righteousness to appear On my side on the coming day. By the throne do not let me think About any merit while ever I live, Nor promise, nor goodness, Nor duty of any kind; Jesus only under the scourge, Jesus hanging on the cross, Be for me a comfort From morn of day until night. Here's the place, and there's the shadow, Here's the costly, precious treasure, That will keep my soul in the whirlwind, The great waters of immeasurable wrath: Here alone I am seeking, Here I am seeking while ever I live: To eat, drink forever, and dress, From the pure righteousness of my 2017 Richard B Gillion |
O Thou Righteousness eternalHowell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953 Sweet Singers of Wales 1889