Mae Pren y Bywyd wedi ei gael
Mae Pren y Bywyd wedi'i gael

(Pren y Bywyd)
Mae Pren y Bywyd wedi'i gael
  Wrth law mewn anial dir,
Yn plygu'i frig er cymell pawb
  I fwyta'i ffrwythau pur.

Pan ddelo misoedd cystudd oer
  Ceir ffrwyth ar hwn o hyd,
A dail y Pren a lwyr iachâ
  Ein holl ddoluriau i gyd.

Tu yma i'r afon, os mor dda
  Yw'r ffrwyth ar Iesu gawn:
Yr ochor draw fe fydd yn well,
  Yn well o lawer iawn.
Thomas William 1761-1844

Tonau [MC 8686]:
    London New (Scottish Psalter 1635)
    St Stephen (W Jones 1726-1800)
    Southampton (Chetham's Psalmody 1718)
    Tallis (Thomas Tallis c.1505-1585)

(The Tree of Life)
The Tree of Life was found
  At hand in a desert land,
Bendings its top to urge everyone
  To eat its pure fruit.

Whenever months of cold affliction come
  The fruits of this are still had,
And the leaves of the Tree will completely heal
  All our sorrows altogether.

This side of the river, if so good
  Is the fruit we may have on Jesus:
The far side will be better,
  Better by very much.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion
The Tree of Life in barren soil

Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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