Mae pyrth y nef o led y pen

(Myned yn hy at Orsedd Gras)
Mae pyrth y nef o led y pen,
  Mi welaf fôr o waed,
Lle gallwyf i'r ffeiddiaf ddyn,
  Yn hollol gael iachad.

Mae'r orsedd fawr yn awr yn rhydd,
  Gwrandewir llais y gwan;
Wel, cyfod bellach, f'enaid prudd,
  Anadla tua'r lan.

'Nawr anfon eirchion aml ri'
  I mewn i byrth y nef;
Gwrandewir pob amddifad gri
  Yn union ganddo Ef.

Myfi anturiaf 'nawr ymlaen,
  Heb alwad îs y ne',
Ond bod haeddiannol angau'r groes
  Yn ateb yn fy lle.

Calfaria fryn yw'r unig sail
  Adeilaf arno mwy;
A gwraidd fy nghysur
    fyth gaiff fod
  Mewn dwyfol farwol glwy'.

Nis gall ellyllon uffern ddim,
  Er cymmaint yw eu rhi';
Myrddiynau o weithiau mwy yw pwys
  Och'neidiau Calfari.
'Nawr anfon :: O anfon
Heb alwad îs y :: At orsedd Brenin
Ond bod perffeithrwydd mawr y :: Gan bod haeddiannol angau'r
Nis gall ellyllon uffern :: Ellyllon uffern nis gall

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Abergele (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
  Auburn (<1835)
Ballerma (F H Barthélémon 1741-1808)
Bedford (William Wheale 1696-1727)
Belmont (S Webbe 1769-1843)
Engedi (L v Beethoven 1770-1827)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)
St Stephen (William Jones 1726-1800)

  Boed dyoddefiadau pur y groes
  Mae'r orsedd fawr yn awr yn rhydd

(Going boldly to the Throne of Grace)
The portals of heaven are open wide,
  I see a sea of blood,
Where I can for the most detestable man
  Get complete healing.

The great throne is now free,
  To be heard is the voice of the weak;
See, rise again, my sorrowful soul,
  Aspire towards the goal.

Now send numerous petitions
  In through the portals of heaven;
To be heard is every destitute cry
  Directly by Him.

I will venture now forwards,
  Without a call under heaven,
But that the great perfection of the cross is
  Answering in my place.

Calvary hill is the only basis
  I will built on any more;
And the root of my comfort
    forever shall get to be
  In a divine mortal wound.

The demons of hell cannot,
  Despite how great is their number;
Myriads of times greater is the weight
  Of the groans of Calvary.
Now send :: O send
Without a call under :: To the throne of the King of
But that the great perfection ... is :: Since the virtuous death ... is

tr. 2013,15 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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