Mae'r addfwyn Oen yn awr

(Brenhiniaeth yr Iesu)
Mae'r addfwyn Oen yn awr
  O fewn i'r nefoedd wen,
Mewn gallu a gogoniant mawr
  Â'r goron ar ei ben. 

Mae'n haeddu cael y clod
  A'n holl ufudd-dod ni;
Mae'n uwch na'r engyl glân
    a'r saint
  Mewn uchel fraint a bri.

Dan d'adain, Iesu,'r af,
  Rhyfelaf yn dy nerth;
Ac yn dy law mi ddof i'r lan
  Drwy ddyrys fannau serth.
William Lewis ?-1794

Tôn [MB 6686]: Sarah (William Arnold 1768-1832)

(The Kingship of Jesus)
The gentle Lamb is now
  Within the blessed heavens,
In great might and glory
  With the crown on his head.

He deserves to get the praise
  And all our obedience;
He is higher than the holy angels
    and the saints
  In high privilege and esteem.

Under thy wing, Jesus, I will go,
  I will do battle in thy strength;
And in thy hand I will come to the shore
  Through difficult, steep places.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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