Mae'r Arglwydd Iesu trosom

(Duw trosom)
Mae'r Arglwydd Iesu trosom,
  Pa niwed fydd i'n rhan?
Mae'r Ysbryd sanctaidd ynom
  Yn rhoddi nerth i'r gwan;
Cynlluniau gras mewn arfaeth,
  A'r Iawn anfeidrol, sydd
Yn sicrwydd iachawdwriaeth
  I gywir berchen ffydd.

Mae'r geni'n Methl'em Iuda
  Yn dweyd fod Duw o'n plaid;
Mae'r marw ar Galfaria
  Yn dangos Duw wrth raid;
Mae'r daith o isder daear
  I uchder nefoedd fry,
Bob cam yn troi yn llafar
  I ddweyd fod Duw o'n tu.

Pren pur y bywyd blanwyd
  Yn nhir bwriadau Duw,
A gwlithoedd gras eneiniwyd
  Ei gangau heirddion, byw;
Drwy rin yr ymgnawdoliad
  Addfedai'r ffrwyth yn llawn,
Pan d'wynai haul ei gariad
  Ar Galfari brydnawn.

Drwy droion dyrys lawer,
  Canfyddwn Dduw o'n tu,
Dadguddia nos gorthrymder
  Fod ser addewid fry;
Yn mhoethder anial garw
  Cawn nerth o
      ffynnon gras;
Ar bren, a'i wreiddiau'n chwerw,
  Daw ffrwyth pereiddia'i flas.
Hugh Cernyw Williams (Cernyw) 1843-1937

Tôn [7676D]: Missionary (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

(God for us)
The Lord Jesus is for us,
  What harm shall come to us?
The holy Spirit is in us
  Giving strength to the weak;
The plans of grace in purpose,
  And the immortal Atonement, which is
The certainty of salvation
  For a true possessor of faith.

The birth in Bethlehem of Judah is
  Saying that God is on our side;
The death on Calvary is
  Showing God in our need;
The journey from the depth of earth
  To the height of heaven above,
Every step turning vocal
  To say that God is on our side.

The pure tree of life planted
  In the land of the purposes of God,
With the dews of grace were anointed
  Its beautiful, living branches;
Through the merit of the incarnation
  It would mature the fruit fully,
When the sun of his love would shine
  On Calvary one afternoon.

Through many troublesome turns,
  We discern God on our side,
A night of affliction will reveal
  That the stars of promise are up above;
In the heat of a rough desert
  We may get strength from
      the fount of grace;
On a tree, with its roots bitter,
  Shall come fruits of the sweetest taste.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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