Mae'r byd i gyd yn brydferth

The world looks very beautiful

Mae'r byd i gyd yn brydferth,
  A llawen iawn i mi,
Yr haul sydd yn disgleirio
  Yn y ffurfafen fry;
Mi wn y byddaf ddedwydd
  Wrth deithio yn y byd,
Obledig canlyn Iesu
  Wnaf o hyd.

Pererin bychan ydwyf
  yn cychwyn ar fy nhaith,
Mae lliaws yn proffwydo
  Y methaf lawer gwaith;
Dywedant fod helbulon,
  A thrallod yn y byd,
Ond mi ganlynaf Iesu,
  Gwnaf o hyd.

Ac fel pererin bychan,
  Beth bynnag ddaw i'm rhan
Mi af at Iesu'n union -
  Mae'n hoffi nerthu'r gwan;
Mewn galar, sych fy nagrau,
  A bydd yn noddfa glyd, -
Mi a ganlynaf Iesu,
  Gwnaf o hyd.

Nid ofnaf ddrygau mwyach
  Ond teithiaf yn ddi-fraw,
Yr Iesu - Ef a'm harwain
  Yn dyner yn ei law:
Nid ofnaf angau creulon
  Yn ei gymdeithas Ef;
Trwy'r glyn calynaf Iesu
  Fry i'r nef.
cyf. Thomas Jones
Caniedydd yr Ysgol Sul 1899

Tonau [7676D]:
  Grove Cottage (1930 Parch. P H Lewis)
  Porthkerry (J Morgan Lloyd 1880-1960)
  Mae'r byd i gyd yn brydferth
    (William Owen 1814-93, Prysgol.)

All the world is beautiful,
  And very joyful to me,
The sun is shining
  In the firmament above;
I know I shall be happy
  While travelling in the world,
Because follow Jesus
  I shall always do.

A little pilgrim I am
  Starting on my journey,
A multitude are prophesying
  I shall fail many times;
They say that there are troubles,
  And tribulation in the world,
But I will follow Jesus,
  I will always do.

And like a little pilgrim,
  Whatever comes to my part
I will go to Jesus directly -
  He is fond of strengthening the weak;
In lamenting, will dry my tears,
  And will be a cosy refuge, -
I will follow Jesus,
  I will always do.

I shall not fear evils any more
  But I will travel fearlessly,
Jesus - He will lead me
  Tenderly in his hand:
I shall not cruel death
  In His company;
Through the valley I will follow Jesus
  Up to heaven.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
The world looks very beautiful
  And full of joy to me,
The sun shines out in glory
  On everything I see:
I know I shall be happy
  While in the world I stay;
For I will follow Jesus
    All the way.

I'm but a youthful pilgrim,
  My journey's just begun;
They say I shall meet sorrow
  Before my journey's done:
The world is full of trouble
  And trials too, they say;
But I will follow Jesus
    All the way.

Then, like a youthful pilgrim,
  Whatever I may meet,
I'll take it, joy or sorrow,
  And lay it at his feet:
He'll comfort me in trouble,
  He'll wipe my tears away;
With joy I'll follow Jesus
    All the way.

Then trials shall not vex me,
  And pain I need not fear;
For when I'm close to Jesus,
  Grief will not come too near:
Not even death can harm me,
  When death I meet one day;
To heaven I'll follow Jesus
    All the way.
Anna Bartlett Warner 1827-1915

Tunes [76767673]:
Cliftonville (Frederick C Maker 1844-1927)
  Follow Jesus (The Diadem 1865)
  I'll Follow Jesus (T C O'Kane 1830-1912)
  Pilgrimage (T L Selby)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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