Mae'r dedwydd awr yn dyfod caiff pechod farwol glwy'

Mae'r dedwydd awr yn dyfod
    caiff pechod farwol glwy',
Daw'r Jubil fawr i'm gwared
    ffarwel gaethiwed mwy;
  Ca'i gwisgo'n anllygredig
      ar ddew Mhrynwr gwyn,
  Cyhyddwr f'anwyl frodyr
      a gaeir yn y llyn.

Ymado wnaf ā'r babell
    wy'n trigo ynthi nawr,
Colofnau'r tŷ ddattodir,
    fe gwympir oll i llawr;
  A pob gwahanglywf ymaith,
      glān fuddugoliaeth mwy,
  'Rwy'n canu wrth gofio'r boreu
      na welir arnaf glwy'.

Gwynfyd y rhai a hunodd
    ynghariad Duw a'i hedd,
Sy'n canu'n annllygredig
    yr ochr draw i'r bedd;
  Fe mhechod oll a'm llygredd,
      O Arglwydd, tynn o'r gwraidd,
  Addfeda f'enaid athrist
      'fyn'd adref at dy braidd.

Mae f'hiraeth am ymddattod
    'fyn'd at fy anwyl Frawd,
'Rwy'n un o'r etifeddion,
    ni byddaf mwy yn dlawd;
  Ce's ran o'r nefol drysor,
      mae rhagor etto'n ol,
  Caf dreulio trag'wyddoldeb
      mewn undeb yn ei gol.
Morgan Rhys 1716-79
Golwg o Ben Nebo, 1764.

[Mesur: 7676D]

gwelir: Pererin wyf yn teithio (I'r ardal ...)

The happy hour is coming
    when sin will get a mortal wound,
The great Jubilee comes to deliver me
    farewell captivity evermore;
  I will get to dress incorruptibly
      in the image of my blessed Redeemer,
  The accuser of my belover brothers
      is to be imprisoned in the lake.

Leave I shall the tent
    I am living in now,
The pillars of the house are to be undone
    they are all to fall down;
  And all leprosy away,
      holy victory evermore,
  I am singing on remembering the morning
      no disease is to be seen upon me.

Blessed are those who slept
    in the love of God and his peace,
Who are singing uncorruptibly
    on yonder side of the grave;
  All my sin and my corruption,
      O Lord, draw from the root,
  Ripen my sorrowful soul
      to go home to thy flock.

My longing is to be unravelled
    to go to my beloved Brother,
I am one of the heirs,
    I will not be poor any more;
  I got a part of the heavenly treasure,
      there is more still remaining,
  I will get to spend eternity
      in unity in his bosom.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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