Mae'r diafol drwy f'oes, am daeru nad oes Im' ran yn y Meddyg caredig, a'i groes; Ond dysgwyl y wnâf, os cymmorth a gâf; At Dduw y gwirionedd a'i orsedd mi âf. Hên Satan y sydd, yn d'wedyd bob dydd, Nas gallaf byth ddyfod o 'nhrallod yn rhydd: Ond etto 'rwy'n bôd, lle mae Duw yn d'ôd I ollwng y caethion yn rhyddion dan 'r rhôd. Er dued y'm gwnaed, o'm pen hyd fy nhraed, Mae môdd golchi 'mhechod, 'rwyn'n gwybod, drwy'r gwaed: Ei rinwedd mor fawr, a nerthol sy'n awr, Gall gànu fy enaid mor wỳned â'r wawr. Rho brofi dy hêdd, cyn myned i 'mêdd, Archwaethu rhyw dammaid, neu lymmaid o'r wlêdd, I'm dal ar fy nhaith yn gryf a di-graith, Rhag bod yn un gofid na gwendid i'r gwaith. O dyro i mi ffŷdd, yn f'enaid a fydd Yn gweithio trwy gariad, a'i rhediad yn rhŷdd, Sef ffŷdd o'r iawn ryw, f'o'n dewis Mab Duw, Yn rhan ac yn noddfa, tra b'wyf yma'n byw. O ganol y llu, sydd ar y ffordd ddu, Yr Arglwydd a'm tỳnodd, fe'm dygodd i'w dŷ: Gall ddweyd wrthyf fi, hyd yma'r âi di, Mi'th wnâf yn wâs belach cymmwysach imi.Hymnau ar amryw Destynau ac Achosion 1820 Casgliad Edward Jones 1761-1836 [Mesur: 5556D] |
The devil througout my life is insistent that I have No part in the loving Physician, and his cross; But expect I do, if help I shall get; To the God of truth and his throne I shall come. Old Satan is, saying every day, I shall never be able to come from my affliction free: But still I am being, where God is coming To release the captives free under the sky. Although so black I am found, from my head to my feet, There is a means to wash my sins, I know, through the blood: His merit which is now so great and strong, Can bleach my soul so white as the dawn. Give an experience of thy peace, before I go to my grave, To relish some morsel, or sip from the feast, To keep me on my journey strong and without a scar, Lest there be any grief or weakness to the work. O give me faith, in my soul which shall Work through love, with a free course, That is faith of the correct sort, that the Son of God be choosing, As a portion and a refuge, while ever I am living here. From the midst of the throng, that is on the black road, 'Tis the Lord who pulled me, who drew me to his house: He can say to me, thus far thou hast come, I will make thee henceforth a more qualified servant to 2019 Richard B Gillion |