Mae'r ffrwd a darddodd dan y groes

(Dyddiau'r Nefoedd)
Mae'r ffrwd a darddodd dan y groes
Yn afon bywyd i bob oes;
  A rhinwedd dwyfol yn ei lli'
  I newid gwedd ein daear ni:
Daw dyddiau'r nefoedd
    ar y llawr
Pan na bydd neb
    ond Iesu'n fawr.

Mae'r dydd a dorrodd ar y groes
Yn chwalu holl gymylau'n hoes;
  Mae Haul Cyfiawnder
      ar ei daith,
  A dyn yn codi at ei waith:
Daw ddiau'r nefoedd
    ar y llawr,
Pan na bydd neb
    ond Iesu'n fawr.

Mae'r awel ddaeth dros
    fryn y groes
Yn ymlid ymaith lawer loes;
  Mae peraroglau Calfari
  Yn adnewyddu'n daear ni:
Bydd dyddiau'r nefoedd
    ar y llawr,
Pan na bydd neb
    ond Iesu'n fawr.
W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938

Tôn [88.88.88]: St Catherine (H F Hemy 1818-88)

(The Days of Heaven)
The flood that flowed under the cross
As a river of life for every age;
  With divine merit in its flow
  To change the face of our earth:
The days of heaven shall come
    upon the earth
When there shall be no-one
    but great Jesus.

The day which broke on the cross, is
Shattering all the clouds of our age;
  The Sun of Righteousness
      is on his journey,
  With man rising to his work:
The days of heaven shall come
    upon the earth
When there shall be no-one
    but great Jesus.

The breeze, which came over
    the hill of the cross, is
Chasing away many a pang;
  The sweet scents of Calvary are
  Renewing our earth:
The days of heaven shall come
    upon the earth
When there shall be no-one
    but great Jesus.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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