Mae'r grëedigaeth bwysfawr

(Y tri Llyfr penaf: sef,
Crëedigaeth, Rhag-luniaeth, a'r Ysgrythyr.)
Mae'r grëedigaeth bwysfawr,
  Fel llyfr cynnwysfawr llawn,
Yn dangos profiad hynod
  O Dduwdod mawr ei ddawn:
Pob rhan yn berffaith hawddgar,
  Yn Naear ac yn Nef,
Ac oll yn cyd-bregethu,
  Ei ddwyfol allu ef!

Rhyfeddol! byth rhyfeddol
  Ei anorphenol ffyrdd,
Mae fe'n gofalu am filoedd,
  A miloedd miloedd, myrdd:
Fe dreiddia o'r dyfnder isaf
  I'r uchaf oror iach,
O fro y Seraph claerwyn
  I gell Bywionyn bach!

Yn llyfr Rhagluniaeth helaeth
  Mae darllen arfaeth Duw,
Cyfiawnder a thrugaredd,
  Gwaith rhyfedd, gwerthfawr yw:
Doethineb yn lluniaethu,
  A barnu trefn pob byd;
A gallu anghyfartal
  I gynnal oll i gyd!

Un rhan o'r llyfr mewn golwg,
  Sy'n amlwg i'm yn awr,
Rhan arall dywell etto,
  Heb lwyr ddadguddio ei gwawr;
Dan Ragluniaethau tywyll,
  Mae'n sefyll fawr leshad -
Cymmylau sy'n cysgodi
  Goleuni Haul pob gwlad.

Ond yn y BIBL gwerthfawr,
  Defnyddfawr air Duw Nâf,
Garch'mynion, addewidion,
  Yn gyson lawn a gâf;
Athrawiaeth bur i'm dysgu
  I gredu y'ngwaed y Groes,
A rheol i fucheddu,
  Ac wedi i farnu f'oes.

Hwn ywr gwirionedd dwyfol,
  Effeithiol air y ffydd,
Mae ganddo ar gydwybod
  Awdurdod nos a dydd;
Yn hwn cyhoeddir melltith
  Yn erbyn rhagrith noeth,
A rhad o'r bryniau oesol
  I'r duwio, cywir, doeth.

Mae Duw yn anfon bywyd
  Ei Ysbryd gyda ei air,
Gan ddangos ei ogoniant,
  Er moliant
      Duwfab Mair:
Fe rydd bob cyfarwddyd,
  Drwy'r Byd a phorth y Bedd,
Sy'n arwain at drigfanau
  Pob rhadau pur a hedd.

O fewn y gair myfyriaf,
  Lle y profaf lawer pryd,
Er mwyn adnabod 'wyllys
  Mawr-barchus Brynwr Byd;
Dan obaith cael adnabod,
  Neu ganfod Duw'n fil gwell,
Y'nghartref Trag'wyddoldeb,
  Ardaloedd purdeb pell!
Corph y Gaingc 1810

[Mesur: 8787D]

(The three chief Books: that is,
Creation, Providence, and the Scripture.)
The important creation is,
  Like a comprehensively full book,
Showing a remarkable proof
  Of the Godhead with great talent:
Every part perfectly beautiful,
  In Earth and in Heaven,
And all preaching together,
  His divine power!

Wonderful! ever wonderful
  His unending ways,
He is caring for thousands,
  And thousands of thousands, a myriad:
It penetrates from the lowest depth
  To the highest, healthy frontier,
From the vale of the clear-white Seraph
  To the cell of the little gnat!

In the book of widespread Providence
  There is the reading of the weapon of God,
Righteousness and mercy,
  A wonderful work, valuable it is:
Wisdom in provision,
  And judging the arrangement of every world;
And incomparable power
  To sustain everything altogether!

One part of the book in view,
  Is evident to me now,
Another part still dark,
  Without completely revealing its dawn;
Under the dark Providences,
  Is standing great benefit -
Clouds which are shadowing
  The light of the Sun of every land.

But in the valuable BIBLE,
  The greatly-useful word of the Lord God,
Commandments, promises,
  Constantly full I shall have;
Pure instruction to teach me
  To believe in the blood of the Cross,
And a rule to live by,
  And after to judge my age.

This is the divine truth,
  The effective word of faith,
It has over conscience
  Authority night and day;
In this is published a curse
  Against naked hypocrisy,
And grace, from the age-old hills
  To the godly, true, wise.

God is sending the life
  Of his Spirit with his word,
While showing his glory,
  For the sake of the praise
      of the Godson of Mary:
He gives every instruction,
  Through the World and portal of the Grave,
Which is leading to dwellings
  Of pure graces and peace.

Within the word I will meditate,
  Where I prove many times,
In order to know the greatly reverenced
  Will of the world's Redeemer;
Under the hope of getting to know,
  Or find God a thousand times better,
In the Eternal Home,
  The distant regions of purity!
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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