Mae'r iachawdwriaeth/iechydwriaeth rad mor fawr

(Iachawdwriaeth, a'i chyflawnder.)
Mae'r iachawdwriaeth rad mor fawr,
  Mae'n achub, mae'n glanhau,
Troseddwyr duaf daear lawr;
  Gwnawn ynddi lawenhau.

Cael derbyn o'i
    chyflawnder cūn
  A wna y trist yn llon;
Gogoniant Duw, dedwyddwch dyn,
  Sydd yn gyttūn yn hon.

Mae Iesu Grist yn drysor mwy
  Na holl drysorau'r byd:
Daeth hedd ā bywyd ini trwy
  Ei ryfedd angeu drud.

Cyflawnder nerth,
    cyflawnder gras,
  Cyflawnder nef y nef,
Uwch deall
    seraphim a saint,
  Sy'n trigo ynddo Ef.
ryfedd angeu drud :: angeu gwerthfawr drud

John Hughes 1775-1854

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Cyprus (<1835)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)
St George (Nikolaus Hermann 1500-61)
St Saviour (F G Baker 1839-1919)
University (J Randall 1715-99)
York (Scottish Psalter 1615)

  Cyflawnder nerth cyflawnder gras
  Mae Iesu Grist yn drysor mwy
  Ni's gall angylion pur eu dawn

(Salvation, and its fullness.)
The free salvation is so great,
  It is saving, it is cleansing,
The blackest transgressors of earth below;
  Let us rejoice in it.

To get to receive from his
    dear righteousness
  Do the sad cheerfully;
The glory of God, the happiness of man,
  Are in agreement in this.

Jesus Christ is a treasure greater
  Than all the treasures of the world:
Peace and life came to us through
  His wonderful, costly death.

The fullness of strength,
    the fullness of grace,
  The fullness of the heaven of heaven,
Above the understanding
    of seraphim and saints,
  Is dwelling in Him.
wonderful, costly death :: precious, costly death

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'
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