Mae'r Iesu'n fwy na'i roddion

Mae'r Iesu'n fwy na'i roddion,
  Mae Ef yn fwy na'i ras;
Yn fwy na'i holl weithredoedd,
  O fewn ac o'r tu maes;
Pob ffydd a dawn a phurdeb, -
  Mi lefa' amdanynt hwy, -
Ond arno'i Hun yn wastad
  Edrycha'i'n llawer mwy.

Gweld ŵyneb fy Anwylyd
  Wna i'm henaid lawenhau,
Trwy'r cwbwl ges i eto,
  Neu fyth gaf ei fwynhau;
Pan elont hwy yn eisiau,
  Pam byddaf fi yn drist
Tra caffwyf weled ŵyneb
  Siriolaf Iesu Grist?

William Williams 1717-91
Golwg ar deyrnas Crist 1765

Tonau [7676D]:
    Angels' Story (A H Mann 1850-1929)
    Bremen / Munich (Meiningen Gesangbuch 1693)
    Durrow (alaw Wyddelig)
    Ewing (Alexander Ewing 1830-95)
    Rutherford (Chrátien urhan 1790-1845)

Jesus is greater than his gifts,
  He is more than his grace;
More than all his deeds,
  Within and without;
Every friend and talent and purity, -
  I will cry our for them, -
But upon Him himself constantly
  I look, as much more.

To see the face of my beloved
  Makes my soul rejoice,
Through all I have got yet,
  Or every shall get to enjoy;
When they become wanting,
  Why should I be sad
While I get to see the most cheerful
  Face of Jesus Christ?

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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