Mae'r Iesu'n fyw ni raid i ni

Mae'r Iesu'n fyw, ni raid i ni
  Mwy ofni dyrnod angau,
Mae'r Iesu'n fyw, O Fedd p'le'r aeth
  Dy fuddugoliaeth dithau?

Mae'r Iesu'n fyw, 'd yw angau du
  Ond porth i deulu Seion,
I fyned drwyddo fry i'r wlad,
  Lle mae eu Ceidwad ffyddlon.

Mae'r Iesu'n fyw, mwy er ei fwyn
  Pob croes wnawn ddwyn yn siriol,
A chanmol wnawn yn mhob rhyw fan
  Ei gariad annghydmarol.

Mae'r Iesu'n fyw, i'w eiriau Ef
  Y mae'r holl nef yn plygu;
Cawn fyned ato uwch y byd
  I ddedwydd gyd-deyrnasu.
cyf. Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tôn [MS 8787]: Rhuthyn (<1876)

Jesus is alive, there is no need for us
  Any more to fear the day of death,
Jesus is alive, O Grave, where has gone
  Thy own victory?

Jesus is alive, black death is nothing
  But a portal for the family of Zion,
To go through above to the land,
  Where their Saviour is faithfully.

Jesus is alive, henceforth for his sake
  Every cross let us bear cheerfully,
And praise let us do in every kind of place
  His incomparable love.

Jesus is alive, to His words
  The whole heaven is bending;
We will get to go to him above the world
  Happily to rule together.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
Jesus lives! no longer now
  Can thy terrors, Death, appall us;
Jesus lives! by this we know
Thou, O Grave, canst not enthrall us.

Jesus lives! henceforth is death
  But the gate of life immortal;
This shall calm our trembling breath,
  When we pass its gloomy portal.

Jesus lives! for us He died;
  Then, alone to Jesus living,
Pure in heart may we abide,
  Glory to our Saviour giving.

Jesus lives! to Him the Throne
  Over all the world is given:
May we go where He is gone,
Rest and reign with Him in Heaven.
Frances Elizabeth Cox 1812-97
Sacred Hymns from the German 1841

from the German
Jesus lebt mit ihm auch ich
1751 Christian F Gellert 1715-69

Tunes [7878]:
    Lindisfarne (1857 John B Dykes 1823-76)
    Jesus Lives (1921 Andrew L Skoog 1856-1934)
    St Albinus (1852 Henry J Gauntlett 1805-76)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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