Mae rhai yn arfer ofer wŷn, Gan gablu Duw, difenwi dŷn; Merwino'r glust a briwo bron Wna'r fath uffernol iaith â hon. Difyrwch rhai yn adrodd sydd, Ganiadau ofer hyd y dydd: O'm calon llwyr ffieiddio 'rwy' Bob pryd, eu hynfyd arfer hwy. Arferion diras plant y fall Yw hudo, llithio'r naill y llall; I mi'r hyfrydwch mwyaf fo Ymddyddan am y nefol fro. Gan hyny - Erfyniaf nerth tra byddwyf byw I anrhyddedu enw Duw; A gweled ei ogoniant gwîr, O fewn ardaloedd nefol dîr. Duw cyfarwydd fi â'th râs, I ochell fyrdd annuwiol câs; Fel na chartrefwyf gyda'r llu, Sydd obry'n cablu d'enw cu. Caniadau Duwiol i Ieuenctid Cymru 1815 [Mesur: MH 8888] gwelir: Duw cyfarwydd fi â'th râs |
Some are used to empty complaining, While blaspheming God, disparaging man; Itching the ear and bruising a breast Does such infernal language as this. The delight of some is Vain songs all day long: From my heart I wholly detesting I am Every time, their foolish practice. The wicked practices of the children of the pestilence Are to entice, seduce the one the other; For me the greatest delight be Taking delight in the heavenly region. Therefore - I will petition for strength while ever I live To honour the name of God; And to see his true glory, Within the districts of a heavenly land. God, acquaint me with thy grace, To shun the ungodly, detestable ways; That I make not my home with the host, Who are below blaspheming thy dear name. tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |