Mae rhyw fyrdd o ryfeddodau (Iesu yn dy farwol glwy')

(Rhyfeddodau'r Iawn)
Mae rhyw fyrdd o ryfeddodau,
  Iesu, yn dy farwol glwy';
Trwy dy loes, dy gur,
    a'th angeu,
  Caed trysorau fwy na mwy;
Nis gall cerub byth, na seraph,
  Lawn fynegu gwerth yr Iawn
Roddwyd drosom gan Gyfryngwr
  Ar Galfaria un prydnawn.

 Mae rhyw fyrdd o ryfeddodau,
   Iesu, yn dy farwol glwy';
 Ac yn swm y gair
   Mae trysorau fwy na mwy;
 Nid all Cerub, nid all Seraph,
   Byth fynegu gwerth yr Iawn,
 Roddaist drosom i gyfiawnder
   Ar Galfaria un prydnhawn.]

Pwy all fesur maint ei gariad
  A rhinweddau maith ei ras?
Nid angylion, er eu doniau,
  Na holl seintiau daear lâs:
Môr didrai, heb waelod iddo,
  Sydd yn chwyddo byth i'r lan;
Nofia miloedd ynddo'n hyfryd
  Draw i'r bywyd yn y man.
Daniel Jones 1788?-1848

Tonau [8787D]:
Calfaria (T Bedford Richards 1857-1934)
Diniweidrwydd (alaw Gymreig)
  Gaenor (E Alwyn Lloyd, Prestatyn.)
Gwalia (alaw Gymreig)
Mount of Olives (L v Beethoven / W L Viner)
Moriah (Martin Madan 1725-90)
Minffordd (Johann Schop 1590-1664)
Rousseau's Dream (Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-78)

gwelir: Iesu pwy all draethu'th gariad?

(Wonders of the Atonement)
There are some myriad of wonders,
  Jesus in thy mortal wound;
Through thy anguish, thy beating,
    and thy death,
  Let treasures be got more than more;
No cherub can ever, nor a seraph,
  Fully express the worth of the Ransom
Given for us by the Mediator
  On Calvary one afternoon.

 There are some myriad of wonders,
   Jesus in thy mortal wound;
 And in the sum of the word
     "It is finished",
   There are treasures more than more;
 No Cherub can, no Seraph can,
   Ever express the worth of the Ransom
 Thou gavest for us to be justified
   On Calvary one afternoon.]

Who can measure the extent of his love
  And the vast virtues of his grace?
Not angels, despite their talents,
  Nor all the saints of blue-green earth:
An unebbing sea, with no bottom to it
  Is swelling up forever;
Thousands shall swim in it delightfully
  Yonder to the life soon.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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