Mae'th fawredd di O Dduw

(Fawredd Duw)
  Mae'th fawredd di, O Dduw,
    Yn amlwg yn mhob lle:
  Trwy barthau daear lawr,
    Trwy holl ororau'r ne';
Trwy'th ras, O enill bawb
      trwy'r byd
I'th barchu'n gynes iawn o hyd.

  'R wyt ti yn noddfa gref,
    I'th eiddo oll i gyd;
  Digonol yw dy ras
    I'w cynnal tra'n y byd;
O bydd i mi yn fythol Ran,
A dedwydd fydd fy enaid gwan.
E Griffiths, Abertawe.
Casgliad E Griffiths 1855

[Mesur: 666688]

(The Greatness of God)
  Thy greatness is, O God,
    Evident in every place:
  Through the regions of earth below,
    Through all the frontiers of heaven;
Through thy grace, O win everyone
      throughout the world
To revere thee very warmly always.

  Thou art a strong refuge,
    To thee belongs all altogether;
  Sufficient is thy grace
    To support them while in the world;
O be to me an everlasting Portion,
And happy shall be my weak soul.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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