Mae torf o bererinion/waredigion

(Y cwmwl tystion)
Mae torf o waredigion
  A'u gwisgoedd oll yn lān,
Ar uchelderau Seion,
  Yn beraidd iawn eu cān;
Ond er y rhif a olchwyd,
  Sydd yn y nef yn awr,
Mae'r ffynon yn ei rhinwedd
  Yn ngwlad y cystudd mawr.

Mae cwmwl mawr o dystion
  Yn iach yr ochr draw,
Y rhai fu yma'n ffyddlon
  Yn myd y poen a'r braw;
Yn ol eu traed dilynwn,
  Trwy 'n holl flinderau maith,
Ar air ein Harglwydd pwyswn
  Nes dod i ben y daith.

Er myn'd trwy'r
    tān a'r dyfroedd,
  Medd gair ein Iesu glān,
Ni'th foddir yn y moroedd,
  Ni'th losgir yn y tān:
Rhydd gyflawn waredigaeth
  I'w eiddo cyn bo hir,
Cant seinio, Iachawdwriaeth,
  O fewn y nefol dir.
waredigion :: bererinion
Y rhai fu yma'n :: I'n Harglwydd fu yn
Trwy 'n holl :: Trwy dir y

Thomas Jones 1769-1850

Tonau [7676D]:
Aurelia (S S Wesley 1810-76)
Endsleigh (Salvatore Ferretti 1817-74)
Ewing (Alexander Ewing 1830-95)
Neuadd-Lwyd (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
Rhyddid (alaw Gymreig)

(The cloud of witnesses)
There is a crowd of delivered ones
  With their garments all clean,
On the heights of Zion,
  Their song very sweet;
But although the number that were washed,
  Who are in heaven now,
The fountain in its merit is
  In the land of the great tribulation.

There is a great cloud of witnesses
  Safe on yonder side,
Those who were here faithful
  In the world of pain and terror;
After their feet let us follow,
  Through all our vast afflictions,
On the word of our Lord let us lean
  Until coming to our journey's end.

Although going through the
    fire and the waters,
  The word of our holy Jesus tells us
Thou shalt not be drowned in the seas,
  Nor burned in the fire:
He will give full deliverance
  To his own before long,
They shall get to sound, Salvation,
  Within the heavenly land.
delivered ones :: pilgrims
Those who were here :: Who to our Lord were
Through all our :: Through the land of the

tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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