Mae trwst cerbydau Jubil fwyn

(Deled dy Deyrnas)
Mae trwst
    cerbydau Jubil fwyn
  Y mil blynyddoedd hedd,
Yn mron a dod i
    gyrhaedd clyw
  Merch Seion
      wael ei gwedd.

O doed teyrnasoedd
    byd yn rhwydd,
  Yn eiddo'n Harglwydd ni;
Trwy'r ddaear
     câner heb nacâu
  Am angeu Calfari.

Mae'r hyfryd wawr yn codi draw,
  Yn fuan daw y dydd;
Yn mhob rhyw le o'r ddaear lawr,
  Yr Iesu'n fawr a fydd.
Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau (Stephen a Jones) 1868

Tôn [MC 8686]: St Anne's (William Croft 1678-1727)

(Thy Kingdom Come)
There is the thunder of
    the chariots of pleasant Jubilee
  The thousans years of peace,
Almost coming to
    the reach of the hearing
  Of the daughter of Zion
      of a poor appearance.

O let the kingdoms
    of the world come free,
  As the possession of our Lord;
Throughout the earth
    is to be sung without refusal
  About the death of Calvary.

The delightful dawn is rising yonder,
  Soon will come the day;
In every kind of place of the earth below,
  Jesus great shall be.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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