Mae tywyll anial nos

1,2,3,4,(5);  1,3,4,5;  1,(2),5.
(Hiraeth am y dawel orphwysfa)
Mae tywyll anial nos,
  Peryglon o bob rhyw,
Holl ofnau'r bedd, pob meddwl gwan,
  Yn ffoi o'r fan bo'm Duw:
Ond tegwch dwyfol clir,
  A chariad pur a hedd,
Gaiff fod yn wleddoedd pur didrai,
  I'r rhai sy'n gwel'd ei wedd.

Mae mrodyr uwch y nen
  Yn canu ar hen eu taith.
Er hyn hwyrfrydig iawn wyf fi,
  Ac oedi lawer gwaith;
Ond bellach tyn fi'n ddwys,
  Ar Grist dod bwys fy mhen,
Yn Salem frŷ par'to fy lle
  Mewn llŷs o fewn i'r llen.

Pererin llesg a llaith,
  Dechreuais daith o bell,
Trwy lu o elynion mawr eu brad
  Gan geisio gwlad sydd well;
Am ffoi mae f'enaid tlawd
  At f'anwyl frawd a'm pen.
Yn Salem frŷ par'to fy lle,
  Mewn llŷs o fewn i'r llen.

Rwy'n gwel'd yr oriau'n hir,
  I fod o dir fy ngwlad;
'Bryd deuaf at fy mrodyr frŷ
  Sy'n canu yn nhŷ fy Nhad?
Gael gorpheu ar fy ngwaith
  A'm dyrus daith is nen.
Yn Salem frŷ par'to fy lle,
  Mewn llŷs o fewn i'r llen.

Ffarwél, chwi haul a lloer,
  Ffarwél, chwi sêr y ne';
Mae presenoldeb pur fy Nuw
  Yn well yn llanw'r lle:
Rhyw faith dragwyddol ddydd -
  Goleuni sydd yn fwy,
Yw'r hwn a ddaw oddi wrth ei wedd,
  Na'u holl ddisgleirdeb hwy.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
Franconia (<1829)
  Gwndwngwyn (John Thomas 1839-1922)
Heidelberg / Ich halte treulich still
    (J S Bach 1685-1750)
  St Martin's New (Robert Cooke 1768-1814)

  Fy ngweddi dos i'r nef
  O Iesu'r meddyg da
  Mewn anial dyrys le
  Pererin llesg a llaith
  Wel mi ddarfyddaf mwy

(Longing for the quiet resting-place)
The dark desert of night,
  Dangers of every kind,
All the fears of the grave, every weak thought,
  Flee from the place wherever my God is:
But clear, divine fairness,
  And pure love and peace,
Can be in pure, inexhaustible feasts,
  For those who are beholding his countenance.

My brothers are above the sky
  Singing at the end of their journey.
Despite this very reluctant am I,
  And delay many times;
But from now on draw me seriously,
  On Christ lean my head,
In Salem above prepare my place
  In a court within the curtain.

A pilgrim feeble and wet,
  I began my journey from afar,
Through a host of enemies of great treachery
  While seeking the land that is better;
Wanting to flee is my poor soul
  To my dear brother and my head.
In Salem above prepare my place
  In a court within the curtain.

I am seeing the hours as long,
  To be out of the territory of my land;
When shall I come to my brothers above
  Who are singing in my Father's house?
To get an end to my work
  And my troublesome journey below the sky.
In Salem above prepare my place
  In a court within the curtain.

Farewell, ye sun and moon,
  Farewell, ye stars of heaven;
The pure presence of my God is
  Better filling the place:
Some long eternal day -
  Light that is greater,
Is that which comes from his face,
  Than all their brightness.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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