Mae yn y byd o hyd eu hoes

(Deisyfiad ar Dduw i amlygu ei fod)
Mae yn y byd,
    o hyd eu hoes,
  Rai'n ammau nad oes Duw;
Yn awr eglura, er dy glôd,
  I'r rhai'n dy fod yn fyw.

Mae rhai o'th blant
    mewn cyflwr caeth,
  Gan anhgrediniaeth dwys;
Amlyga i rhai'n y sylfaen sydd,
  I'w ffydd gael rhoi ei phwys.

Gad i ni gael ein geni i gyd,
  Trwy d'air a d'Yspryd di;
A phlanna'r anian sanctaidd rydd,
  Un newydd ynom ni.
Edward Jones 1761-1836

[Mesur: MC 8686]

(Supplication for God to make his existence evident)
There are in the world,
    throughout their lives,
  Some who suspect that God is not;
Now make clear, for the sake of thy praise,
  To those, that thou art alive.

Some of thy children are
    in a captive state,
  Through serious unbelief;
Make obvious to those the basis which is,
  For their faith to get to put its weight.

Let us all get born,
  Through thy word and thy Spirit;
And plant the holy, free nature,
  A new one within us.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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