Mae yno Dri Pherson yn bod

(Mawl i'r Drindod)
Mae yno Dri Pherson yn bod,
  Ac eto mewn sylwedd ond Un;
Gogyfuwch mewn gallu a chlod -
  I wared plant Adda'n gytûn;
Yn hyn ryw ddyfnderoedd y sy',
  Rhy fawrion i'w chwilio hwy 'mlaen,
Yn drech na hwynt-hwythau sy' fry,
  I'w gwybod hwy allan yn lân.

Caniadau newyddion sy' fry,
  Tebygwn o glywed eu llef
Fy enaid blinedig i sy',
  Am ddysgu cerddoriaeth y nef:
'R anrhydedd, a'r gallu, a'r clod,
  A'r parch, a'r gogoniant,
      a'r bri,
Yr awrhon fel ag y bu erioed,
  I'n Harglwydd yn Un ac yn Dri.

Aed ein Haleluia i'r làn,
  Trwy'r awyr anfeidrol ei maint,
Cymmysged caniadau rhai gwan
  A thyrfa luosog o saint;
Ni gawsom gàn cymmaint â'r byd,
  Càn cymmaint drachefn â hyn,
Càn cymmaint â'r nefoedd i gyd, 
  Brydnawn-gwaith ar Galfari fryn.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [8888D]: Salome (alaw Gymreig)

gwelir: Datguddiwyd dirgelion i maes

(Praise to the Trinity)
There are Three Persons existing,
  And yet in substance but One;
Equally high in power and praise -
  To deliver the children of Adam as a whole;
In this there are some depths which are,
  Too great to search them out,
Beyond the ability of even those who are above,
  For them to know them completely.

New songs are above,
  Hopeful from hearing their cry
Is my wearied soul,
  Of learning the music of heaven:
The honour, and the power, and the praise,
  And the reverence, and the glory,
      and the acclaim,
Now as it ever was,
  To our Lord as One and as Three.

Let our Hallelujah go up,
  Through the sky of immeasurable extent,
Let the songs of the weak be mixed
  With the numerous hosts of saints;
We got a hundred times as much as the world,
  A hundred times as much again as that,
A hundred times as much as all the heavens,
  One afternoon on Calvary hill.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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