Mae yr heulwen wedi blino Teithio yn y wybr lâs; Daear drom ei bron diffygio Porthi'r llysiau sy'n y maes; Mae'r planedau'n gwaeddi, Diwedd; Pob creadur yn ei ryw 'N ocheneidio am gael gweled Gwir ddadguddiad meibion Duw. Mae yr oriau yn fy ngalw Beunydd i ymbarotoi: Tân sy'n dod ar ddinas distryw Tua Söar imi ffoi! Arglwydd, 'mafael ynwy'n fuan, Onidê ni ddeuaf byth, Tra bo'r tân yn llosgi Sodom, Yn y bryniau gwnaf fy nyth.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [8787D]: gwelir: Clywaf lais gan bob rhyw raddau Y mae'r oriau yn fy ngalw |
The sunshine is exhausted Travelling in the blue sky; Heavy earth is almost failing To feed the herbs that are in the field; The planets are shouting, An end; Every creature in its kind Groaning to get to see The true revelation of the sons of God. The hours are calling me Daily to prepare myself: A fire is coming on the city of destruction Towards Soar for me to flee! Lord, take hold of me soon, Lest I never come, While the fire be burning Sodom, In the hills I shall make my 2018 Richard B Gillion |
The Moon and all her Train surrounding With the lofty dazzling Sun, Now are wearied in the Heavens Their laborious Course to run. Earth and Sea in mighty Travail With their Creatures never cease, Groaning for the Revelation, Glorious of the Sons of Peace. Ev'ry Hour doth call, "Be ready, Haste to Zoar, there to remain; Fire and Brimstone hover over All the Cities of the Plain." Snatch me from the Conflagration, Jesus, draw me by the Hand, Lest I love my ancient Dwelling, And transgress thy great William Williams 1717-91 [Metre: 8787D] |