Maith yw'r nos a mawr yw'r t(y)w(y)llwch

(Cwyn enaid mewn tywyllwch, am y seren fore.)
Maith yw'r nos a mawr yw'r tywyllwch 
  Ynghanol torf o elynion câs
Arglwydd dyro dy gwmpeini,
  Nerth dy anorchfygol ras;
    Gormod gofid,
  Allu hebot 'yma fyw.

Tywyllwch dudew
      sydd o'm deutu,
  Methu codi 'mhen i'r làn,
Ni bûm i tan feichiau trymion,
  Etto eriod ond eiddil gwan;
  Gwna i mi weiddi tra fwi' byw.

Dattod y cadwynau tynnion,
  Rho fy enaid gwan yn rhydd,
Tynn fi'n awr o'r bydew tywyll,
  I gael gweled goleu'r dydd:
    Seren fore, &c.
  Cyfod dros y bryniau draw.

Yr wy'n ofni temtasiynau,
  Nid wyf fi ond llesg erioed,
Mae'r un wana'n ddigon abl,
  Fyn'd a'm henaid tan ei throed;
    Gwaed yn llifo,
  Ar Galfaria a'm deil i'r làn.

Er bod arnaf ofnau filoedd,
  Pan y delo'r drwg y'mlaen,
F'allai caf fi nerth i sefyll,
  Fel y graig y'nghanol tân;
    Gwaed yn llifo,
  Ar Galfaria a'm deil i'r làn.

Paid fy enaid gwan ag ofni,
  Nid rhyw ddrygau sy'n neshau,
Newydd da sy
      o dir y bywyd,
  Lle mae cariad yn parhau; 
    Gwaed yn llifo,
  Ar Galfaria a'm deil i'r làn.
- - - - -
(Gweddi am Nerth Gras)
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12;  1,3,(4),5.
Maith yw'r nos a mawr yw'r tywyllwch;
  P'odd y galla'i threulio i maes
Heb gael, Arglwydd, dy gymdeithas,
  Nerth dy anorchfygol ras?
    Gormod gofid,
  Gallu hebot 'yma fyw.

Mil, a mwy o wag feddyliau,
  Trwy fy nghalon sydd yn gwau;
Nid oes meddwl nad yw'n ceisio
  Fy rhoi yn llwyr i lwfrhau;
  Rhyfedd yw dy nerth erioed.

Mae fy mechod yn fy erbyn,
  Fel y moroedd mawr eu grym
Dilyw cryf heb fesur arno,
  Nis oes a'i gwrthneba ddim:
    Tad tosturi,
  Rho gyfiawnder im a nerth.

Os dangosi'n eglir i mi,
  Dyna'r pryd i lawenhau,
Fod dy lyfr wedi ei groesi,
  Ac nad oes yn aros fai;
    Cymmer feddiant
  Yna o honof oll yn lân.

Os agori im dy fynwes,
  I gael gwel'd y cariad llawn,
Lifodd allan fel y moroedd
  Ar Galfaria un prynhawn.
    Ti gei'r cwbwl
  Rhoddaist imi yn fy rhan.

Aed y ddaear ffordd y mynno,
  Aed i'r sawl fo arni a'i fryd,
Aed creaduriaid o bob enwau,
  Yn elynion i mi i gyd;
    Boddlon ddigon,
  Byddaf byw heb ffrynd ond ti.

Doed eulunod o bob rhywiau,
  Doed y gwrthddrych
      tecca ei bryd,
Doed pleserau maith brenhinoedd,
  Ac antuniant sugno 'mryd;
    Ofer, ofer,
  Tra fo gennyf wrthrych mwy.

Deued Satan â'i holl rwydau,
  Deued â'i biccellau tân,
Casgled gyfoeth mawr yr India
  A gosoded hwy o'm bla'n;
    Byth ni'm temtia,
  Tra fo'm henaid yn dy gol.

Ni's gall hwnnw, 'bae fy maeiau,
  Sydd yn bostio ei anferth rym:
Os amgylchu wnai fy enaid
  Wneuthur unrhyw niweid im',
    Rho dy Ysbryd,
  Mi gongcwera' feiau maith.

Ond os troi dy gefn arnaf,
  Darfu'm cysur yma i fyw,
Y mae'r cwbl oll a feddaf
  Yn gartrefu yn fy Nuw;
    Llwyr annedwydd,
  Ydwyf hebot ti dy hun.

Nid oes rhwyd, ac nid oes magl,
  Heddyw gan y gelyn mawr,
Nid oes pydew heb dy allu
  Na's tramcwyddaf iddo 'lawr;
    Dal fi fynu,
  Yn dy allu 'rwyf yn byw.

Mae 'nghyfeillion, mae'm perth'nasau,
  Mae 'ngelynion bob yr awr,
Fel mewn cyngrair gyd â'u gilydd,
  Am fy ngael yn lân i lawr;
    O'r Jehofah,
  Na'd fi golli 'ngafael byth.
tywyllwch :: twllwch :: t'wyllwch
làn :: lann

William Williams 1717-91
Mor o Wydr 1762

Tonau [878747]:
Delyn / Y Delyn Aur (J Thomas / D E Evans)
Hyder (Richard Ellis 1775-1855)
Maetwrog (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)
Ongar (<1869)
St Peter (alaw Eglwysig)

Dysgwyl 'rwyf ar hyd yr hirnos
Mi feddyliais yn y bore

(The soul's plea in darkness, for the morning star.)
Long is the night and great is the darkness
  In the midst of a host of hated enemies
Lord grant thy company,
  The strength of thy indomitable grace;
    Too much grief,
  Is able without thee here to live.

Thick, black darkness
      is on both sides of me,
  Failing to lift my head up,
I was not under heavy burdens,
  Never yet but feeble, weak;
  Make me pray while I live.

Loose the tight chains,
  Set my weak soul free,
Draw me now from the pit of darkness,
  To get to see the light of the day:
    Morning star,
  Rise over yonder hills!

I am fearing temptations,
  I am only ever fainting,
The weakest is sufficiently able,
  To take my soul under its foot;
    Blood streaming,
  On Calvary shall hold me up.

Although I have thousands of fears,
  When evil comes along,
I shall be able to get strength to stand,
  Like the rock in the midst of fire;
    Blood streaming,
  On Calvary shall hold me up.

Fear not, my weak soul!
  No kind of evils are approaching,
There is good news
      from the land of the living,
  Where love endures;
    Blood streaming,
  On Calvary shall hold me up.
- - - - -
(Prayer for the Strength of Grace)
Long is the night and great is the darkness;
  How can I waste away
Without getting, Lord, thy fellowship,
  The strength of thy indomitable grace?
    Too much grief,
  Is able without thee here to live.

A thousand, and more of empty thoughts,
  Through my heart are weaving;
There is no thought that is not seeking
  To put me to losing heart completely;
  Amazing is thy strength as ever.

My sin is against me,
  Like the seas of great force
A strong deluge without measure upon it,
  There is nothing which opposes it at all:
    Father of mercy,
  Give righteousness to me and strength.

If thou show clearly to me,
  Then I shall rejoice,
That thy book has been crossed,
  And that no fault remains;
    Take possession
  Then of all completely.

If thou open to me thy bosom,
  To get to see thy full love,
Which streamed out like the seas
  On Calvary one afternoon.
    Thou shalt get the whole
  Thou gavest to me as my portion.

Let the earth go which ever way it will,
  Let those upon it take its intent,
Let creatures of all names, all
  Become enemies to me;
    Sufficiently satisfied,
  I shall live with no friend but thee.

Let idols of all kinds come,
  Let the objects of fairest
      disposition come,
Let the vast pleasures of kings come,
  And venture to suck my attention;
    Vain, vain,
  While ever I have a greater object.

Let Satan bring all his nets,
  Let him bring his pikes of fire,
Let the great riches of India be gathered
  And let them be place before me;
    Never shall they tempt me,
  While ever my soul be in thy bosom.

That cannot, if my faults were,
  Which are boasting their enormous force:
If it were surrounding my soul,
  Do any harm to me,
    Grant thy Spirit,
  I shall conquest my vast faults.

But if thou turn thy back upon me,
  My comfort here would cease to live,
All that I possess is
  Residing in my God;
    Completely unhappy,
  Am I without thee thyself.

There is no net, and there is no snare,
  Today from the great enemy,
There is no pit without thy power
  That I shall not trample down;
    Hold me up
  In thy power I am living.

My comrades are, my relatives are,
  My enemies are every hour,
As if in league together with each other,
  Wanting to get me completely down;
    From Jehovah,
  Never let me lose my grasp.
:: ::

2014,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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