Mawl am dy fwyn apostol

(Sant Barthomolmeus)
Mawl am dy fwyn apostol,
  Gŵr ffyddlon, cywir, pur,
A welwyd gennyt, Iesu,
  Dan y ffigysbren ir;
Yn ddidwyll bôm, fel yntau,
  Yn Israëliaid gwir,
A'th ddwyfol Bresenoldeb
  A'n cynnal dan bob cur.

O! dyro nerth i'th Eglwys,
  Wrth deithio trwy y byd,
I garu a phregethu
  Dy sanctaidd Air o hyd;
A chaniatâ fod iddi
  Ei dderbyn, megis ef,
I'w thywys mewn goleuni
  I Eglwys Lân y nef.
William Morgan (Penfro) 1846-1918

Tôn [7676D]: Endsleigh (Salvatore Ferretti 1817-74)

(Saint Bartholomew)
Praise for thy noble apostle,
  A faithful, true, pure man,
Who was seen by thee, Jesus,
  Under the fresh fig-tree;
Let us be sincere, like him,
  A true Israelite,
With thy divine Presence
  Upholding us under every blow.

O grant strength to thy Church!
  While travelling through the world,
To love and preach
  Thy sacred Word always;
And grant that she
  Receive it, like him
To lead her in light
  To the Holy Church of heaven.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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