Mawr ei enw'n ninas ein Duw, A hynod yw yr Arglwydd; Ei drigfan ef yno y sydd, Yn mynydd ei sancteiddrwydd. Adwaenir Duw yn mhlasau hon Yn gymhorth digon hynod: Ac wele, nerth breninoedd byd Dont yno i gyd-gyfarfod. Sef hyn yn ninas ein Duw ni, Sicrhâ Duw hi byth bythoedd: Duw, dysgwyliasom am dy ras I'th deml, ac addas ydoedd. Ewch, ewch oddi amgylch Sion sail, A'i thyrau adail rhifwch; Ei chadarn fur, a'i phlasau draw, I'r oes a Dduw mynegwch. Can's ein Duw ni byth yw'r Duw hwn; Hyd angau credwn ynddo: A hyd angau hwnw a fydd Yn dragywydd i'n t'wyso. Ei drigfan ef yno y sydd :: Ei drigfan hefyd yno sydd
Tonau [MS 8787]: |
Great his name in the city of our God, And remarkable is the Lord; His residence which is there In the mountain of his holiness. God is to be known in these palaces As a remarkably sufficient help: And see, the strength of the kings of the world Come there to meet together. This stands in the city of our God, God will establish her forever and ever: God, we had hoped for thy grace To thy temple, and it was worthy. Go, go around Zion's foundation And count her built towers; Her strong wall, and her palaces yonder, Expound to the age of God. Since our God is forever this God; Until death let us believe in him: And until death he will In eternity lead us. His residence which is there :: His residence also is there tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion |
1 The Lord, the only God, is great, and greatly to be praised In Zion on whose happy mount his sacred throne is raised. 3 God in her palaces is known; his presence is her guard: 4 Confed'rate kings withdrew their siege, and success despaired. 9 Not in our fortresses and walls did we, O God confide; But on the temple fixed our hopes, in which thou dost reside. 12 Compass her walls in solemn pomp, your eyes quite round her cast; Count all her tow'rs, and see if there you find one stone displaced. 13 Her forts and palaces survey, observe their order well; That with assurance to your heirs this wonder you may tell. 14 This God is ours, and will be ours, while we in him confide; Who, as he has preserved us now, till death will be our guide. ::
N Tate & N Brady |