Mawr iawn y gwaith sydd o fy mla'n

(Erfyniad am Gynnorthwy yr Yspryd Glān)
Mawr iawn y gwaith
    sydd o fy mla'n,
Sef achub f'enaid rhag y tān;
  Mae'r cnawd yn llesg,
      mae'r yrfa'n faith;
  Mae eisiau cymhorth ar fy nhaith.

Mae eisiau gado'r anial hyn,
Mae eisiau cyrhaedd
    pen y bryn, -
  Ond mae ei goppa'n uchel iawn,
  A'm traed y sydd o friwiau'n llawn.

O! Arglwydd, estyn im' dy nerth,
I ddringo rhwng y creigiau serth, -
  Ymdrechu raid
      i adyn gwan,
  Ond ti gei'r clod
      os dof i'r lan.

Tydi ddatguddiaist imi'n hael
Fod gwlad sydd well
    nā hon i'w chael;
  Ti biau'r wlad, -
      ac os caf ddod
  O fewn ei muriau
      ti gei'r clod.

Tydi gei'r parch
    yn deilwng byth,
wresog fron
    mewn cān ddi lyth;
  Fy Nuw, fy Nhad,
      tydi gei'r mawl,
  I ti mae'n
      perthyn iddo'r hawl.

Mae'n rhaid ymdrechu
    teithio 'mla'n,
O Dduw, rho nerth
    dy Yspryd Glān, -
  Mae'r cnawd yn llesg,
      mae'r yrfa'n faith;
  Mae eisiau cymhorth ar fy nhaith.
Daniel Evans (Daniel Ddu o Geredigion) 1792-1846

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(Entreaty for the Help of the Holy Spirit)
Very great the work
    which is before me,
That is to save my soul from the fire;
  The flesh is feeble,
          the course is long;
  There is need for help on my journey.

There is need to leave this desert,
There is need to reach
    the top of the hill, -
  But its summit is very high,
  And my feet are full of bruises.

O Lord, extend to me thy strength,
To climb between the steep rocks, -
  An effort is necessary
      for a weak wretch,
  But thou shalt get the acclaim
      if I come up.

Thou didst disclose to me generously
That a land which is better
    than this is to be had;
  To thee belongs the land, -
      and if I get to come
  Within its walls
      thou shalt get the acclaim.

Thou shalt get the reverence
    worthily forever,
The warmth of a breast
    in an unfailing song;
  My God, my Father,
      thou shalt get the praise,
  To thee who art one
      to whom the right belongs.

It is necessary to make an effort
    to travel on,
O God, give the strength
    of thy Holy Spirit, -
  The flesh is weak,
      the course is long;
  There is need for help on my journey.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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