Mawr ydoedd nerth yr Arglwydd Iôn

(Mawrhydi a Thragwyddoldeb Duw)
Mawr ydoedd nerth yr Arglwydd Iôn,
  Clybuwyd sôn yn Sinai;
Y Duw na ddichon gynnwys bai,
  Tywyllwch a'i mentellai!

Pryd arall, gwelwyd Crist, ein pen,
  A'i wisg yn wen, fel eira;
Dysgleiriodd ei ogoniant gwîr
  Ar duedd tîr Iudea.

Mae'n gwneud mewn mawredd yn mhob man
  Weithredoedd annrhaethadwy;
Mae'n Dduw Rhagluniaeth, mawr ei glôd:
  Tragwyddol Fôd safadwy!

Mae'n sathru'r gelyn, dryllio rhwyd,
  Y gwàn a gwyd yn gadarn;
Ac i'r ffyddloniaid, ynddo ef
  Bydd noddfa gref yn nyddfarn.

Yn ninas hêdd preswylia'r saint,
  Uwchlaw pob haint niwediol:
Fyth, fyth ni's tiria gelyn taer
  I Salem, gaer ragorol.
Caniadau Duwiol i Ieuenctid Cymru 1815

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(The Majesty and Eternity of God)
Great was the strength of the Sovereign Lord,
  Mention was heard in Sinai;
The God who could not contain a fault,
  Darkness would cloak him.

Another time, Christ was seen, our Head,
  With his clothing white, like snow;
His true glory shone
  In the region of Judea.

He does in greatness in every place
  Inexpressible deeds;
He is a God of Providence, great his praise:
  An eternal immovable Being!

He is trampling the enemy, smashing readily,
  The weak he will raise firmly;
And the faithful, in him
  Shall be a strong refuge on judgment day.

In the city of peace reside the saints,
  Above every harmful infection:
Never, ever shall an intense enemy reach
  Salem, an excellent fortress.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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