Mawredd Duw nid oes ei debyg

(Mawredd yr Arglwydd yn anchwiliadwy
Salm cxlv - Rhan III)
Mawredd Duw,
    nid oes ei debyg!
Hyd a lled anfesuredig;
  Uwch yw ef,
      na Nef y Nefoedd,
  Dyfnder îs na dyfnder moroedd.

Mawr y gwelir 'e 'n ei gyfraith,
A'i gofyniadau cyfiawn perffaith;
  Deil feddyliau dirgel dynion,
  Y dirgela o fewn y galon.

Yn 'r efengyl gwela'i fawredd!
Mawr o gariad a thrugaredd;
  A thrwy fawr ddoethineb eglur,
  Codi, a chadw, gwael bechadur.

Mawr iawn ydyw, medd 'r eneidiau,
Gadd eu tynu o ddyfnder tonau:
  Dichon rhai
    y'ngwlad y cystudd,
  Ddwëyd yn awr, un mawr yw'r Arglwydd.

Mawr y'mhob man, mawr ryfeddol!
Ond y'ngolwg dyn anianol;
  Mawr amynedd Duw'n ei arbed,
  Achos galar,
      na fae'n gweled!

Mae trigolion distryw'n gweled,
Gan faint o gûr,
    heb neb i'w gwared;
  Mae mawr gyfiawn yw'r digofaint,
  S'y arnynt heddyw'n
      ol eu haeddiant.

Hyfryd waith y Côr nefolaidd,
Ydyw edrych ar ei fawredd;
  Bwrw i lawr goronau beunydd,
  A dwëyd bob awr,
      mae mawr yw'r Arglwydd.
Thomas Williams 1772-, Rhes-y-cae.
Casgliad o Bum Cant o Hymnau (D Jones) 1810

[Mesur: MH 8888]

  Rhan I - Mawr yw'r Arglwydd mawr a rhyfedd
  Rhan II - Trefn y rhôd a geir yn rhedeg
  Rhan III - Mawr y gwelir Duw'n ei gyfraith

(The greatness of the Lord unsearchable
Psalm 145 - Part III)
The greatness of God,
    there is nothing like it!
Length and breadth unmeasured;
  Higher it is,
      than the Heaven of the Heavens,
  Depth lower than the depth of the seas.

It is great to be seen in his law,
And its upright, perfect questions;
  He holds the secret thoughts of men,
  The most secret within the heart.

In the gospel see his greatness!
Great of love and mercy;
  And through great, clear wisdom,
  Raising, and keeping, a base sinner.

Very great it is, say the souls,
Who got pulled from the depth of waves:
  Possibly some
      in the land of the tribulation,
  Saying now, a great one is the Lord.

Great in every place, greatly wonderful!
But in the sight of a natural man;
  The great patience of God saving him,
  A cause of lamenting,
      that he should see him!

The dwellers of destruction are seeing,
By the extent of a beating,
    without anyone to deliver them;
  That greatly righteous is the wrath,
  Which is upon them today
      according to their merit.

The delightful work of the heavenly Choir,
Is to look on his greatness;
  To cast down crowns daily,
  And say every hour,
      that great is the Lord.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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